In this week's E-Pistle, you'll find:
In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus assures the disciples that he will be with them always and in all ways. He says he will send an advocate who will abide with us and be in us. Who or what is this advocate? Join us online this Sunday for our "Video Worship Service," as we explore this Spirit of Truth together. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Stan Greene. Tune in on Sunday at 10 AM via our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or here on our website. Click below to download the sheet music for Sunday's hymns: ![]()
It is with deep sadness that we share the news that our Douglas UCC church member, Jim Lemons, passed away on Tuesday morning. He made a peaceful transition at home in the company of family and loved ones. Pastor Sal visited and prayed with Jim the day before he died. A memorial service will be held at a future date. We hold the entire Lemons family in our hearts and prayers. Cards of condolence can be sent to 707 Lake Street, Saugatuck, MI 49453. Watch Last Sunday's Service:Thank you to all who tuned in last Sunday for our Video Worship Service. Thank you to our reader, Kathleen Mueller, who joined us from a beautiful outdoor spot in Douglas; to Peter Black for providing the music from his home in Grand Rapids; to Gloria Larrieu for singing a beautiful song for us from her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico; and to Gregg Smith for recording and editing. If you missed the service, you can watch it here. Pastor Sal's Newest Book!We are so very proud of our Pastor Sal on the release of his newest book, Childish Thinking: How the Church Keeps Us Stuck in Sunday School. The book is available now on Amazon. Learn more by watching the short video above or visit Friendship Hall Roundup:
You can listen to all of Pastor Sal's messages and meditations on our "Messages from Douglas UCC" podcast. You can listen on Google Play, Apple Music, Spotify, or you can ask Alexa, "Alexa, play the podcast, 'Messages from Douglas UCC'." Thank you to our church member, Chris Clark, for continuing to update the podcast for us. Help Us Help YouYour Church is working hard to provide for our community and our spirit during this pandemic, continuing to do our peace and justice work. Without a Sunday collection plate, we are asking church members and friends to consider adopting a new habit of giving to the church: either online or by mail. It's so easy to give online from our website. Just click here. Or please consider mailing a check to: Douglas UCC, 56 Wall Street, PO Box 519, Douglas, MI 49406. We are so very grateful for your continued support of our church, especially during this time. Birthdays and Anniversaries![]() May 18- Sue Fleming, 19- Jack Hartman, 20- Mary Westenbroek, 21- John Fleming, 22- Mark Zancanaro, 24- Ron Beisel Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can continue to reach out to one another during this time. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. If you don't have a directory, please let us know and we will email one to you. Prayer List![]() Bob Donohue (Jack and Peg Donohue's brother); The family of Jim Lemons; Philip Raywood; Jack Ridl; Ted Sommer; Molly Gaspar (Mike Valdez' sister); Phyllis Wallis (Kathy Austin's mother); Kristen Molitor (Ann Hopkins' daughter); John Willming; Drew Carter; Ferman Sims (father of Duce Sims); Howard McLauchlan (brother-in-law of Dale and Ted); Jeff Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother); Marcia Sullivan (Jo Cooley's friend), Len Lynch (Kathleen Mueller's brother); Curtis Coffin (Marty Coffin's brother). Our educators, the caregivers and patients at Mary Freebed Hospital and on the U.S.S. Comfort, and in all of our hospitals and care centers during this Covid-19 pandemic. For the researchers and scientists working on effective tests and treatments for Covid-19. For the leaders and volunteers in every state and city who are stepping up to take care of people every day. All in the military and their families. All who are homeless or addicted or abused or neglected or rejected or hungry; The UCC; the Grand West Association; our Church Council; our Stephen Ministers; our church committees; our communities, our schools, our nation and our planet. To add/remove a name from the Prayer List, please email julie (at) Financial Stewardship May 10 Attendance for Online Service: 573 Weekly Online Giving: $2,807.13 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by clicking ONLINE GIVING. Or you may send checks by mail to: Douglas Congregational United Church of Christ 56 Wall Street, PO Box 519 Douglas, MI 49406 |