In Sunday's Gospel, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. Many of us today are still unsure about the practice and purpose of prayer in our lives. What exactly is prayer? How are we supposed to pray? Come join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 11AM as we learn "How to Pray." Message by Pastor Sal. Special Music at both services: Lara Allison. Coffee Hour outside between the two services. This Sunday at both services, we are delighted to welcome back guest singer, Lara Allison, who will be performing two songs for us. Lara, 18, is a recent graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy. She has appeared in productions such as Sweeney Todd, My Fair Lady, and Legally Blonde, and she worked on Memphis, the Musical at Saugatuck Center for the Arts. Last Sunday during Coffee Hour, we celebrated the 100th Birthday of Pauline Zancanaro. Our Douglas UCC family had a great time at last night's Douglas Summer Social, where we debuted our brand-new Douglas UCC tent! Thank you to all who came to join in the fun, and thank you to all who worked our church's food booth: Gemina Petruzzelli, Ed Korson, Peter and Kathleen Mueller, Annie Hotwagner, Gregg Smith, Larry LaBine, Alan Weathers, Greg Harvath. We took in $544 in donations. ![]() Our Annual Church Picnic is Wednesday, August 7, from 6 to 8 PM at Beery Field in Douglas. We need to know how many of you plan to attend, as we need to know how much food and drink to buy. Please sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall on Sunday if you plan to attend the picnic. ![]() Each Sunday this summer, we invite you to share of the abundance from your garden. Please bring in vegetables and flowers from your garden and place them on the "Gardening Is Giving" table outside the church on Sunday for others to take home and enjoy. Thank you to our church's Creation Justice Team for facilitating. Watch last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:July 21: Attendance: 165 (9 AM: 93 + 11 AM: 72) Collection: $1,993.25 Online: $2,319.41 Total: $4,312.66 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus visits the home of his friends, Mary and Martha. While Martha is busy "doing," her sister, Mary, is simply "being," relaxing at Jesus's feet. When it comes to your spiritual life, are you more of a Martha or a Mary? Come join us this Sunday as we explore DO-ing verses BE-ing. Please join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 11 AM for an inspiring message and uplifting music. Coffee Hour outside between the two services. Thank you to all the Douglas UCC'ers who took part in last week's Lights for Liberty marches in Holland and South Haven to protest the inhumane treatment of migrants and children at U.S. detention centers: Alan Weathers, Mike Valdez, Debra Carr, Fred Hamlin, Wendy Hamlin, Karen Clark, Mike White, Elinor White, Ruth VandenBosch, Rose Marie Stevenson, Linda Koch, Gail Babel, Hannah Huggett, Hailey Huggett, Pam Chappell, Pete Wehle, Dan Pierce. Thank you to our Social Justice Team for facilitating. Thank you to all who helped clean-up the highway this past week: Mark Zancanaro, Eric Lejeune, Mike White, Linda Charvat, Betsy York, Wendy Hamlin, Mike Valdez, Fritz Royce, Doug Sipsma, Kathy Klage, Garnet Lewis & Vicky Cobb, Larry Gammons. And, thank you to Fred Hamlin for passing out water for our volunteers. We are grateful to our Creation Justice Team for facilitating. Another great Sunday at Douglas UCC! We love our church family! Congratulations to our Douglas UCC church members, Foye McDonald & Ian Mills, who got married in the church last weekend. ![]() Each Sunday this summer, we invite you to share of the abundance from your garden. Please bring in vegetables and flowers from your garden and place them on the "Gardening Is Giving" table outside the church on Sunday for others to take home and enjoy. Thank you to our church's Creation Justice Team for facilitating. ![]() Our Annual Church Picnic is Wednesday, August 7, from 6 to 8 PM at Beery Field in Douglas. We need to know how many of you plan to attend, as we need to know how much food and drink to buy. Please sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall on Sunday if you plan to attend the picnic. TONIGHT: PFLAG Holland/Lakeshore, July 19 Meeting: Our Douglas UCC church member, Dale Lower will speak about his experiences of conversion therapy. Conversion therapies are still allowed in 34 states, including Michigan. PFLAG meets on the ground floor of Grace Episcopal Church, 555 Michigan Avenue, across the street from Holland Hospital. We will begin with a business meeting and support at 7:00 pm. After a time for refreshments at 7:50 pm, the program will begin at 8:10 pm. Bring a snack to share, if you can. Prior to the PFLAG meeting, Gender SAFE (Supporting All For Equality) meets 6:00 to 8:00 pm (note the longer meeting time), also on the ground floor of Grace Episcopal Church. This is a support group that is open and welcoming to all people who are or who love someone who is transgender or gender diverse (TGD). We also welcome those who are gender affirmative and who are interested in learning about the TGD community. Click the links below for the latest copies of our Church Council Minutes and Pastor's Report:
Watch Last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:July 14: Attendance: 165 (9 AM: 100 + 11 AM: 65) Collection: $1,685.75 Online: $1,258.04 Total: $2,943.79 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus teaches the Parable of the Good Samaritan where several religious leaders pass by a dying man on the street without helping him. It takes a Samaritan to assist the dying man. Who were the Samaritans, and why were they so looked down upon by the religious leaders of Jesus's day? What does this parable mean for us today? Come join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 11 AM as we explore together the question: "Who is my neighbor?" Special Music: Elizabeth Estes singing "You'll Never Walk Alone." Coffee Hour outside between the two services. Lots of fun at Coffee Hour outside between the two services. #WeAreFamily Each Sunday this summer, we invite you to share of the abundance from your garden. Please bring in vegetables and flowers from your garden and place them on the "Gardening Is Giving" table outside the church on Sunday for others to take home and enjoy. Thank you to our church's Creation Justice Team for facilitating. ![]() A "Celebration of Life" for George Brown will be held at the church on Saturday, July 20, at 10 a.m.. All are welcome. A reception will follow at Clearbrook in Saugatuck. ![]() Our Annual Church Picnic will be on Wednesday, August 7, at 6 PM at Beery Field in Douglas. We are seeking volunteers to help with shopping, set-up, grilling, games, clean-up, etc. If you can help, please sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall on Sunday. Thank you! Join Emmy-winner, Patrick Ziegler, for a fun-filled, creative workshop of play and improv games combined with the amazing work of THE POWER OF NOW, by Eckhart Tolle. Whether you've acted in shows on Broadway or never stepped foot on a stage, this class is safe, fun, and will get you out of your box and into a greater experience of creative living! Patrick was trained at the National Shakespeare Conservatory in NYC, as well as the Groundlings Improv in Los Angeles. He is a two-time Emmy winning producer/director/writer, and an exceptional teacher of improv, The Artist's Way, and creative writing. So get out of your head, get in the NOW, and, most of all, have FUN!!! July 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Douglas UCC. Cost is $30. Register at Limited to 10 people. Don’t wait! Sign up NOW! For more info, email Patrick at [email protected] ![]() TONIGHT! Tonight, Friday, July 12, "Lights for Liberty" marches will be held all over the country to protest the inhumane conditions faced by migrants and children in detention centers. A local march will be held in Holland at Centennial Park tonight at 6 p.m. Please make a sign and join us there. Adopt-a-Highway Clean-Up: Tomorrow & Tuesday![]() Douglas UCC’s Creation Justice Team invites any of our neighbors who would like to help clean up the stretch of US-196 that hugs our cities and township to join us in our Adopt-A-Highway project to clear the trash along the highway. We have scheduled two cleanups this month: Tomorrow, Saturday, July 13 from 9 a.m. to noon and Tuesday, July 16 from 4 to 7 p.m.. If you can help, please click the dates above or sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall. Thank you! Watch Last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:July 7: Attendance: 152 (9 AM: 98 + 11 AM: 54) Collection: $1,329 Online: $1,889.91 Total: $3,218.91 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING America is the land of the free, but what does a life of spiritual freedom really look like? Are you truly spiritually free if you are bound by worry, fear, resentment, lack and limitation? Come join us this "Independence Sunday" as we explore liberation and spiritual freedom. Remember, we go to two services this Sunday: 9 AM and 11 AM. with coffee hour outside between the two services. Last Sunday, we welcomed 20 new members to our church!! Welcome to Ian Mills & Foye McDonald; Ed Korson; Roye McDonald; Jeremy Lund & Mark Johnston; Dick & Linda Rieske; Maryjo Lemanski; Rose Marie Stevenson; Linda Koch; Gloria Larrieu; Patricia Denner; Emil Pulick; Mary Alice Townsend; Gloria Becksford & Katie Nucci; Brenda Marcy; Howard Roche & Russ Lamesfield. Our Douglas UCC Food Booth was a big hit at last week's first Douglas Summer Social of the season. Thank you to all who came by to show your support. We made $547 in donations. Thank you to all who helped with shopping, set-up, clean-up, grilling and selling: Annie Hotwagner and Marty Coffin; Gemina Petruzzelli; Larry LaBine; Peter and Kathleen Mueller; Gregg Smith. The next Social is on Thursday, July 25, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at Beery Field. Douglas UCC’s Creation Justice Team invites any of our neighbors who would like to help clean up the stretch of US-196 that hugs our cities and township to join us in our Adopt-A-Highway project to clear the trash along the highway. We have scheduled two cleanups this month: Saturday, July 13 from 9 a.m. to noon and Tuesday, July 16 from 4 to 7 p.m.. If you can help, please click the dates above or sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall. ![]() Reception for Jeff: Our Director of Music, Jeff Spangler, is retiring from the Saugatuck City Council after 22 years of service. A reception will be held for Jeff on Monday, July 8, at 5:30 p.m. at the Coral Gables Annex in Downtown Saugatuck. The public is invited. Cake and light refreshments will be served. ![]() On Friday, July 12, "Lights for Liberty" marches will be held all over the country to protest the inhumane conditions faced by migrants and children in detention centers. A local march will be held in Holland at Centennial Park that day at 6 p.m. Make a sign and join us. ![]() Jerry Coates (pictured left) will be teaching a weekly class on the "Bhagavad Gita," the ancient Hindu Scripture, beginning Tuesday, July 9, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Summerhouse Lavender Farm in Fennville, which is owned by our church members, Dan McGavin and Carol Brown. A love offering will be taken. For more information, please contact Jerry at 616-836-7705 or email him at [email protected]. Watch last Sunday's music & message:
Financial Stewardship Report:June 30: Attendance: 158 Collection: $1,699 Online: $1,269.91 Social: $547 Total: $3,515.91 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING |