In This Week's e-pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Was Jesus Political?"
In the gospel reading for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Jesus says, "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and render to God what is God's." Is Jesus telling us to keep politics and religion separate, or is he saying something else?
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in person or streaming live online) as we explore how giving our all to God requires our speaking Truth to the Caesars of today. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Max Brown Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service -- 20th Sunday after Pentecost: "Stewardship Sunday"
Last Sunday was our "Stewardship Sunday" service. We gathered to worship, to celebrate and respond to God’s generosity with our gratitude and our gifts, for "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7). Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we celebrated God's abundant blessings and explored the spiritual law of giving and receiving. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black
Douglas UCC Fall Concert Series: Tickets Now on Sale!
Tickets are now on sale for two AMAZING upcoming concerts at Douglas UCC: Michelle Willis on October 26, and Bobby Jo Valentine returns to Douglas UCC on November 3! Tickets for each concert are just $15. Get yours now: and
Grand West Association Fall Meeting -- This Sunday, October 22
The Grand West Association Fall Meeting is in-person at First Congregational UCC, Muskegon, starting at 3 PM, October 22. There is also an option to join via Zoom. If you did not receive the Zoom link, please email [email protected]. All are welcome to attend, but registration is required.
Introducing DUCC Members and Friends Online and Phone App!
With KUDOS to the many advisors and testers who helped to prepare our online directory for prime time, we are happy to say that the online church directory is now available!
The company we chose, Instant Church Directory, is well trusted by many church congregations, for ease of use, and ease of updating information to keep us all current. It's also well respected for the layers of security it uses for keeping our information safe. This company gives us access to our directory from BOTH a desktop or laptop computer, AND the handy apps available for your iPhone or Android phone. When you log in for the first time, you will use your email and choose a password that will work on either your computer or your phone. You must use the email address you provided for the directory when you register. Only people already in the directory can gain access to the directory! That's a security feature, of course! The system uses a two-step verification system to make sure you are you. Once you enter your email and choose your password, the company will immediately send you an email. That email contains a link you must click to complete your registration and be let into the app or website. Go ahead! You can log in today! Click below for detailed instructions for each device you wish to use: Step-by-step log-in instructions for iPhone, iPad, or any IOS device. Step-by-step log-in instructions for Android phones or devices. Step-by-step log-in instructions for the website: Soup-Tober! Let's Fill Christian Neighbors' Shelves!
Christian Neighbors Food Pantry is getting ready for winter and would like to stock its shelves with canned soup for their clients. For the month of SOUP-TOBER (Oct 1-31), Christian Neighbors is requesting donated cans of soup. You may drop off your donated cans in the designated box at the Friendship Hall.
Financial donations are also welcomed, and can be made through the Christian Neighbors Douglas website, here: Thanks in advance for helping warm and nourish local families this year! Honoring the Ancestors, Dia de los Muertos, November 1
Our friend and spiritual teacher Ruth Zwald is once again offering "Honoring the Ancestors: Dia de los Muertos," on November 1, in our Friendship Hall. Connecting to our ancestors is a vital part of spiritual work. Drawing on the Mexican traditions of Dia De Los Muertos involves us in an evening of sharing stories and food, creating an altar, as well as a chance to connect to our ancestors in a guided meditation. To sign up, follow the instructions in the poster above!
Free Author Event: Beyond Religion