In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday: Third Sunday of Advent
The late spiritual teacher, Henri Nouwen, wrote: "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
This Sunday, for the "Third Sunday of Advent," we'll light the pink candle, which symbolizes "JOY." There is good news of great joy for all people: the Light is on its way! Pease join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online) for an inspiring message from Pastor Sal Sapienza and uplifting music from Peter Black, Pamela Chappell, and Pete Wehle. Download the Online Bulletin here: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service -- Second Sunday of Advent: Peace
Our Gospel reading for last Sunday's service has John the Baptist proclaiming: "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!" But what exactly IS the Way of the Lord? Please enjoy last Sunday's service when we considered what it means to prepare the way for the Way! Worship Leader: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Message: Rev. David Van Dyke. Music by Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson.
Farewell Brunch for Pastor Sal, December 17
Date: Dec 17, 2023
Location: Douglas UCC Friendship Hall Time: 11:30-1pm Our Pastoral Relations Committee invites you to a farewell brunch for Pastor Sal, immediately following the Sunday service on December 17. Food and drink are already planned, so simply come as you are after service. This gathering of our beloved Douglas UCC community celebrates the abundant gifts that have been shared with us during Pastor Sal's tenure. We're celebrating him before the Christmas Season begins, and through the end of the year, to give as many people as possible the chance to say their goodbyes and offer their good wishes to our teacher, counselor, shepherd, and friend. The PRC will be placing a card box in the Friendship Hall that morning for anyone who would like to drop in a personal card for Pastor Sal. Pastor Sal's last church service at Douglas UCC is Sunday, December 31. Need for Volunteers on the AV Team
We are so grateful for our many wonderful volunteers who make our Sunday Worship special each week. Right now, we especially need volunteers to operate the sound board during Sunday service. In the past few months our team has made vast improvements by standardizing the settings and streamlining the operations. If you are interested in joining our team and helping with this very important position, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Mike VerMerris, 269.325.4043, [email protected].
Allegan County Senior Services: Work Opportunities!
What a great turnout we had for the Allegan County Senior Services presentation! During the presentation, we learned there are plenty of well-paid part-time opportunities for people who can serve as drivers or provide in-home support. Brochures describing these opportunities are available in the Friendship Hall. Or contact Lynne Snyder to learn more.
A Christmas Carol Tickets Available Now
Tickets for this year's production of A Christmas Carol are on sale now! This year the show will feature accompaniment by our own Peter Black! You can purchase tickets at the button below, and find information and show times on their facebook page: ...or call the box office at 616.218.3408 Monies raised through ticket sales go to local food pantries. Last year the production raised more than $12,000 to feed our neighbors! Holiday Cookie Exchange: December 24
Following our worship service on December 24, we will be having a “Cookie Exchange” in the Friendship Hall during Coffee Hour! If you are able, please bring a plate of cookies to share and enjoy!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of the "Lessons & Carols": December 24 at 6 PM
Please join us on Sunday, December 24, at 6 PM (either in-person or streaming live online) for our annual Christmas Eve candlelight service of "The Lessons and Carols," in which we celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus told through lessons from the Bible and through beloved Christmas Carols that we all know and love. The evening will feature a special performance from the Douglas UCC Holiday Choir.
Reports & Minutes
Year-End Giving Statements Coming -- Do We Have Your Correct Address?
As our Financial Team works to prepare year-end giving statements, please help them out by updating your mailing address, if it has changed over the past year. Please send your new mailing address to Julie Ridl at [email protected], or you may choose to update your address yourself in the church directory app.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays: December 18- Margret Bazany, 19- Dee Mikos-Graves, 22- Mary Harris
Anniversaries: 17- Daniel Dow & Stephen D. Prokop Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
John Kerr; Mike Mok; Dave and Shirley Lawson; Clark McMillion (Chris Clark's friend); Ruth Fahlstrom (daughter of Tom Fahlstrom); Nancy Grib (Friend of Pamela Chappell); Stuart Family; Charlene Burdick (Paul Burdick's Mother); Diane Carr; Myron (Wendy Hamlin's grandson, Fred Hamilin's great-grandson); Betsy York; Mary Westenbroek; Brian Aikens; Jerry Elpers and family (Beth Howley's Dad); Edie Plantinga (Nancy Plantinga's mother); Joyce Potts (Ed Korson's Friend); Max Matteson; Eric Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother); Nicole and John (Wendy Hamlin's daughter-in-law and son)
Stewardship Drive
Stewardship Drive Giving Week ending December 10:
Pledges to Date = $226,500.00 Pledge Fulfillment to date = $108,571.33 Thank you to all who pledged toward our Campus Stewardship Drive. Weekly Stewardship Drive totals are posted here and on the giant ‘thermometer’ poster in the Friendship Hall. If you have not received a pledge card, you can pick one up in the Friendship Hall. Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance December 10: 109
Total Views for December 10 worship videos: 545 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $3,068.00 Online Giving: $5,398.40 Total, General Support: $8,466.40 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |