In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Cleansing the Temple"
In the Gospel message for the Third Sunday in Lent, Jesus gets angry... so angry, in fact, that he brandishes a whip and overturns tables! This certainly is not the gentle "Prince of Peace" with which most of us are comfortable and familiar. Is Jesus demonstrating that it's okay for us to get angry? If so, what positive purpose can anger serve in our lives? Come join us for our "Video Worship Service" this Sunday, as we explore "The Upside of Anger."
Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Pamela Chappell. Tune in on Sunday at 10 AM via our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or here on our website. Last Sunday's Service
In John 10:10, Jesus said, "I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full." As Joan Chittister reminds us, the season of Lent is about becoming, doing, and changing whatever it is that is blocking the fullness of life in us right now. At last Sunday's "Video Worship Service," Pastor Sal gave a Progressive Christian message on what it truly means to experience "The Fullness of Life." We had uplifting music from Peter Black and The Huggetts. Click above to enjoy the video service, or click here to read, listen to, and share Pastor Sal's homily.
Remembering Jim Shewell
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that our church member, Jim Shewell,
passed away on Wednesday. Jim was under hospice care at an assisted living facility near Lansing, where he lived with his husband, Leith Letcher. His transition was a peaceful one. Pastor Sal officiated Jim and Leith's wedding in the church in 2017. Most churchgoers have come to know Jim (left) and Leith (right) for planting the beautiful zinnias in front of the church each year. Due the pandemic and Jim's health, they were unable to come to Douglas this past year, but we planted zinnias in their honor. A service for Jim will be held in our church's Memorial Garden later this spring. Cards of condolence can be sent to Leith Letcher at 5525 W. St. Joe Hwy. #8, Lansing, MI 48917. Today is National Day of Unplugging!
Church Member Chris Clark invites you to observe this year's 'National Day of Unplugging' on March 5-6. To “unplug” is to refrain from using all digital devices and electronic media - phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, television, camera, radio, and so on.
Unplugging gives you a break from the daily overload of stressful email, disturbing news, toxic commentary, misleading ads, inane videos, and spiteful social media. It’s a chance to explore healthier alternatives to tech. Where safe, it’s a day to interact with live human beings face-to-face. Since 2009, there has been an “official” National Day of Unplugging, and in 2021 the time frame is March 5-6. You can pick an entire day, go from noon to noon, or slice it some other way. If you want, sign up at the NDU website. Otherwise, just unplug on your own. Download the NDU's ideas page, below for ideas of how you might spend all the extra time that day. ![]()
Welcome Home, Mark Anthony and Patrick!
Our friends at Unity on the Lakeshore church in Douglas have announced that they have been working with Rev. Mark Anthony Lord to become the minister of their church beginning in May! As many of you know, Rev. Mark has been a friend of Pastor Sal for many years now and has presented several workshops at our church over the years, as well joining us for Sunday worship. Rev. Mark's partner, Patrick Ziegler, is also no stranger to our church, having taught the popular Artist's Way workshops at Douglas UCC. Rev. Mark is currently the minister at the Unity church in Naples, Florida. He and Patrick will be moving here full-time this spring, and they have purchased a home in Douglas (just one block away from our church!). How wonderful it is to welcome them full-time to the Saugatuck-Douglas community!
Lakeshore Cleanup Coalition Beach Cleanup!
The Creation Justice Team wants to share this great news! The US Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded a grant to the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council and the Allegan Conservation District to support beach and river cleanups in Ottawa and Allegan Counties! This project is in partnership with Ottawa County Parks and Recreation, the Ottawa Conservation District, Hope College, the ODC Network, the Allegan Conservation District and the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council. Partners will hold volunteer beach and river cleanups throughout Ottawa and Allegan Counties over the next couple of years. Each partner will organize and run their own events and the MACC has posted the full list with registration links. As events are completed, they will also report the results on their website. You must register to participate in these events at the links below:
April 13th, 2021 from 10am - 12pm Oval Beach, 690 Perryman St, Saugatuck, MI Register here. April 27, 4pm-6pm Douglas Beach Park, 3099 Lakeshore Dr, Douglas Register here. May 8, 10am-12pm Laketown Beach, 6710 142nd Ave, Holland Register here. More West Michigan Beaches and Dates for Cleanups here. Women's History Month and the State of Women
As we begin Women’s History Month, leadership from the World YWCA and the Cleveland YWCA discussed the state of women globally. Women continue to live at the margins across the world often unemployed, underemployed, and fighting for human rights and dignity. Together with UCC leaders, this group discussed the issues facing women and children, including sexual and gender-based violence, digitalization, and the impact of COVID on young people. Watch the video above to witness this remarkable conversation and learn how we can all be better partners in raising the state of women globally.
The State of Creation