Following Advice, We Are Suspending ServicesOur church council held an emergency meeting Thursday morning and voted to follow advice from the Centers for Disease Control, our governor, and Michigan's Department of Public Health and cancel Sunday services until the threat of passing along the coronavirus has lessened to the degree that large meetings are deemed safe. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing, stay home if you are sick, wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and do everything you can to help mitigate the spread of this disease. We are taking this step out of an abundance of caution and love and concern for the welfare of our congregants and our community. Here in the E-Pistle, starting next week, we will begin to share our Sunday messages and readings, allowing each of us to enter into worship together even as we are separated physically. If you know of anyone who does not or cannot receive the E-pistle, please let us know, so we can help them feel less isolated from their faith community during this time. Our Service in the World Continues: |