In This Week's E-Pistle You Will Find:
This Sunday: "JOY - 3rd Sunday of Advent"
Our Gospel reading for this Sunday (the 3rd Sunday of Advent) focuses on Mary, the mother of Jesus. Though many see her as the "meek and mild" virgin, the real Mary was courageous, radical, and revolutionary. Please join us this Sunday at 10 AM for our "Video Worship Service," as we explore "The Real Mary." Message by Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black. Plus, several of our Douglas UCC musicians join together to perform the beautiful song, "O Mother God." We will also be lighting our 3rd Advent wreath candle (the pink one) for "JOY."
Tune in on Sunday at 10 AM via our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or here on our website. Last Week's Service Video: 2nd Week in Advent
Our Gospel reading for last Sunday (the 2nd Sunday of Advent) had John the Baptist proclaiming: "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!" Advent is a time for us to prepare the way for the coming of the Light. Please enjoy last Sunday's "Video Worship Service," as we explored what it means to "Prepare the Way." Message by Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Elizabeth Estes. Click here to read and share the homily text.
Holiday Family Album -- Deadline Tuesday!
The deadline is TUESDAY for submitting your holiday photo to our DUCC Holiday Family Album! Please take a holiday selfie, and email it to [email protected]. We long to see one another, and we believe this will be a great way to pull our family together safely this year!
Lakeshore Community Chorus Holiday Concert
The Lakeshore Community Chorus is going online this year for their annual Holiday Concert. They have worked so hard to make this gift to the community happen, and you won't want to miss this local tradition in its non-traditional format. See just a sample of their work, above. Click here for all the details!
Free Christmas Masks from Wendy Jo Hamlin
Our DUCC public health nurse and loooong-time member, Wendy Hamlin has made a batch of festive masks for DUCC family and friends. They are available, first come, first served, in the foyer of the Retreat House. Thank you, Wendy, as always, for looking out for our health and safety!
Kudos to all the givers and to Ruth VandenBosh for our 2020 Giving Tree Gifts!
Thank you so much to our generous DUCC family for the many gifts donated to Christian Neighbors for local kids. And big KUDOS to Ruth VandenBosch, our Christian Neighbors liaison, for organizing the Giving Tree giving program this year. Ruth was overwhelmed by the generosity of our church family in this tough year for area families. A real outpouring from generous hearts!
Stephen Ministers are Here to Help
You don’t have to go through it alone.
Pandemic fatigue—that feeling of being mentally and emotionally exhausted by everything that’s going on right now. Yes, we’re all facing different kinds of life challenges during this time. Yes, everything you may be feeling about the pandemic is normal. After nine+ months of this, experiencing pandemic fatigue is not a question of “if”. It’s now a question of “when”. These are some of the more common feelings:
A member of the Stephen Ministry Team can meet with you privately—by phone, by video chat, or in person when it’s safe again to do so—to focus on you and your needs. It’s free and completely confidential, and it offers real care, comfort, and hope. You can find out more by contacting any of these people: Pastor Sal Sapienza…Phone: 269-857-2085 Email: [email protected] Paul Burdick…Phone: 616-856-1372 Email: [email protected] Laurie VanDenBeldt…Phone: 616-510-8891 Email: [email protected] Advent Devotionals Available