In this Sunday's Gospel Message (Luke 8:26-39), Jesus heals a man possessed with demons. How do we as Progressive Christians make sense of this story? How do we understand terms such as "demons," "devil," and "hell" from a metaphysical perspective? Come join us this Sunday as we explore these questions together and uncover what a life of "Spiritual Freedom" really looks like when we are truly liberated from the bonds of the ego. Special Music: Stan Greene sings "You Will Be Found," from the musical, Dear Evan Hansen. Thank you to all who attended our church's Annual Meeting last Sunday. Our Church Council and Committees presented us with updates; Pastor Sal recognized the outgoing Council members (Karen Clark, Mike Boston, Greg Plowe); and new Council members (Gemina Petruzzelli, David Geen, Beverly Hawkes) were affirmed. Thank you to our Church Council moderator, Peter Mueller, and all who presented: Will Gervais, Julie Ridl, Mary Fechtig, Mike Boston, Glynis Whitcomb, Greg Sherman. As was announced at the Annual Meeting, Pastor Sal will be taking a three-month sabbatical beginning in January of 2020. Between now and then, our Pastoral Relations Committee will be helping us to prepare for Pastor Sal's absence. All are invited to one of three listening sessions the PRC will be facilitating this month. These "Sabbatical Feedback" sessions will be an opportunity for you to learn more and to share your ideas. The sessions will be at the Spring Street house on Sunday, June 23, at 11:30 a.m.; Wednesday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m., and Sunday, June 30, at 11:30 a.m.. Please sign the sheets in the Friendship Hall for the session you wish to attend. Thank you to Larry Fuerst (our Church Council Trustee) and Sue Scott for purchasing an AED for our church, and thank you to Tony Shippa for leading us in an AED/CPR Training. ![]() TOMORROW!! Saturday, June 22 is Holland Pride. The event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at Centennial Park in Holland. Our church will have a booth there. Please come out and join us for all or part of the day as we show our support for the LGBTQ community.
You can still contribute to 4 Paws Lakeshore's 2019 Hearts Project. Learn more HERE. ![]() We will be going to two Sunday services this summer: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. We will begin on Sunday, July 7, and end on Sunday, September 1. Coffee Hour will be held outside in front of the church between the two services. TONIGHT! PFLAG Holland/Lakeshore June 21 Meeting: We will view and discuss Stonewall Uprising, a documentary film about the Stonewall Riots in 1969. The gay rights movement traces its origin to these riots. PFLAG meets on the ground floor of Grace Episcopal Church, 555 Michigan Avenue, across the street from Holland Hospital. We will begin with a business meeting and support at 7:00 pm. After a time for refreshments at 7:50 pm, the film and brief discussion will begin at 8:00 pm and last until 9:40 pm. Bring a snack or dessert to share, if you can. Prior to the PFLAG meeting, Gender SAFE (Supporting All For Equality) meets 6:00 to 8:00 pm (note the longer meeting time), also on the ground floor of Grace Episcopal Church. This is a support group that is open and welcoming to all people who are or who love someone who is transgender or gender diverse (TGD). We also welcome those who are gender affirmative and who are interested in learning about the TGD community. Watch Last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:June 16: Attendance: 137 Collection: $4,220 Online: $803.54 Total: $5,023.54 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING |