In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "God, Our Mother"
This Mother's Day Sunday, we will explore "God as Mother." Most of us grew up being told that God was a man, our Heavenly Father. How would our world be different if we viewed God not as an authoritative, judgmental male, but as our gentle, nurturing Heavenly Mother?
Come join us this Mother's Day Sunday at 10 AM (either in person or streaming live online) as we continue to explore the question: Who is God? Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler Download This Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service
In the gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus declares, "All of the things that I have done, you can do." And, then he adds, "These things and greater!" Is it really possible for us to do even greater things than Jesus did? What did he mean by this statement? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored the "Greater Things" Jesus had in mind. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black
Hector Vega's Gift
We were so honored to receive this beautiful Hector M. Vega artwork on behalf of the church in recognition for our financial support of Vega’s “Reaching for the Stars” sculpture, which was unveiled last week at the Fennville District Library. Pictured with them is Maryjo Lemanski of Saugatuck-Douglas Friends of the Arts. This beautiful piece will hang in our new administrative office.
GWA Spring Liturgy Photo Album
We has such a lovely afternoon, hosting the UCC's Grand West association of churches' Spring Meeting on Sunday, May 7, celebrating our retiring Area Conference Minister, Rev. Ruth Fitzgerald. Many thanks to all who attended and especially to our event volunteers who made the service and the celebration so beautiful: Lynne Snyder, Beth Stallinga, Peter & Kathleen Mueller, Ruth Vandenbosch, Virginia Stuart, Debra Carr, Mike VerMerris, Vicky Cobb, Kathy Hartman, and Peter Black
Christian Neighbors' May Cereal Drive
Because hunger doesn't take a summer vacation, Christian Neighbors Food Pantry in Douglas is collecting cereal to distribute this summer to its clients with children. You are invited to drop off boxes of cereal at the Friendship Hall from May 1-31 to help stock their shelves, or donate in any of the ways outlined in the poster above. Thank you, as always, for your generous giving.
Booth Volunteers Needed