This Sunday (the last Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Sunday before Advent) is known as "Reign of Christ" or "Christ the King" Sunday. On this feast day, we celebrate Jesus as fully human and fully divine. Come join us this Sunday at 10 AM, as we explore Jesus as man, myth, and Messiah. We will also be celebrating Thanksgiving, too! Special Music: Nancy Plantinga. Last Sunday, we held our 1st Annual Douglas UCC "Groups Fair." It was such a great success! All of our church groups gave out information about their group and signed up new members. It was such an informative (and fun) way to raise awareness about our groups and to get new people involved. We are grateful for such an active church community! Wow!! What a great turnout at Douglas UCC for Tuesday’s screening of the Climate Change documentary, “Paris to Pittsburgh.” Thank you to all who attended and to our church’s Creation Justice Team for facilitating. To learn more about our Creation Justice Team, visit their blog.
Douglas UCC was proud to co-sponsor the local "Transgender Day of Remembrance" Candlelight Vigil this week. Thank you to all from Douglas UCC who attended. Sunday Treat Providers and Treat Coordinator- We are looking for a few more people to provide Sunday treats and to help with cleanup in 2020. If you might be able to help, please talk with or email Karen Clark at [email protected]. We are also looking for a new treat coordinator. If you might consider serving in this role, please talk with Pastor Sal or Karen Clark. Our Pastor Sal and Douglas UCC church member, Derek Hoehn, recently appeared in this great TV news segment on LGBTQ life in small-town America. Click above to watch. Click below to read the latest editions of the Pastor's Report and Church Council Minutes:
This Sunday is the last Sunday to bring in 5 lb. bags of flour for the Christian Neighbors Thanksgiving Baskets. We are so close to our goal of 700 lbs. of flour! Thank you to all for your generous giving. ![]() A Message from our church member, Jane Harrison: "Dear Friends, I just received another cancer diagnosis, Lung Cancer, which is my 4th cancer since 2013. For 7 years, I have been battling this disease. Not only is this battle exhausting emotionally, but also financially. I have created a " shopping bazaar" in my home, with paintings, antique English furniture pieces, decorative items, plus crafts, all marked with Sale Tags!! I am hoping that you will stop over and do some holiday shopping for yourself or someone on your list. I am available at my home at 417 Summer Grove Dr. in Douglas, all the time. Stop over, or call/text me at 516 982-3405. This sale is on-going. Thank you. Watch Last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:November 17: Attendance: 154 Collection Plate: $1,577 Online Giving: $1,218.54 Total: $2,795.54 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING. |