This Sunday's Service: "Reign of Christ" Sunday
This Sunday (the last Sunday in the Season after Pentecost and the Sunday before Advent) is known as "Reign of Christ" or "Christ the King" Sunday. On this feast day, we celebrate Jesus as fully human and fully divine.
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online), as we explore Jesus as both man and Messiah. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service --24th Sunday after Pentecost: "Parable of the Talents"
The gospel reading for the 25 Sunday after Pentecost is Jesus's "Parable of the Talents." On the surface, this parable may sound like an uncomfortable story about greed, but Jesus is offering an important teaching about our own relationship to God. All of us are endowed with innate talents -- not to serve solely ourselves, but so that we can invest them, use them, and produce greater good for one another. As the late spiritual writer, Leo Buscaglia, said, "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God."
Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored how to invest our gifts and talents to bring more of God's abundance into expression. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Special Music: Michael Hulett New Members Class: This Sunday after Church
If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, Pastor Sal will be holding a New Members Class this Sunday, November 26, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM at our church's Isabel Graham Center (88 Spring Street). All are welcome to attend. (If you would like to become a member, but are unable to attend the class, please email Pastor Sal).
Flour Power Total!
Wow! Thanks to your generous giving, our church was able to provide 435 lbs. of flour to Christian Neighbors Food Pantry for their Thanksgiving boxes for families in need. Thank you to all who donated bags of flour, and thank you to church members, Bill Briggs, Wendy Hamlin, and Peter Black (pictured above) for delivering all of the flour.
Congrats to Peter Mueller: New GWA Liaison
Advent Devotional Sale
The UCC Advent-Christmastide devotionals are here! You'll find them on sale in the Friendship Hall beginning this Sunday, for $5 each. Gather your copy there, or order yours online here:
December Offerings at the