In this week's E-Pistle, you'll find:
Pentecost Sunday:
In our lectionary reading for Pentecost Sunday, we'll hear the story of how the Spirit of God set the hearts and minds of the first disciples on fire. This very same Spirit is alive today, but how do we kindle its spark within ourselves and fan its flames in one another? Tune in to our Pentecost service this Sunday, as we celebrate the Holy Spirit, alive and aflame in our hearts.
Message: Pastor Sal. Reader: Stan Greene. Music: Peter Black and Elizabeth Estes. Tune in on Sunday at 10 AM via our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or here on our website.
For many years now, Pentecost is the Sunday we all come to church wearing red for our annual group photo. Though we are unable to do that this year, we would love it if you'd take a photo of yourself wearing red as you watch the Pentecost service from home this Sunday, and then email it to us at [email protected], so that we can compile them together.
Watch Last Sunday's Service:
Thank you to all who tuned in last Sunday for our Video Worship Service. We had hundreds of people watching and commenting from all over the world last Sunday morning, even from places as far away as Australia and the UK! If you missed the service, you can watch it here.
Should Churches Return to Worship