In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: Palm Sunday
This Sunday begins Holy Week, the most sacred time on the Christian Church calendar. On Sunday, we will focus on two processions: one of cheers and palms (Jesus's procession into Jerusalem) and one of jeers and pain (Jesus's procession to the cross), a reminder that both light and darkness are part of the spiritual journey.
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online) for this very powerful Holy Week service. All in attendance will receive palm branches. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler. Download This Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Week's Service
In the gospel reading for the 5th Sunday in Lent, we'll hear the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. How are we to understand this story spiritually? What did Jesus mean by saying, "I am the resurrection and life?" Please enjoy last week's service, as we explored what it means to experience new life in the Spirit. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Nancy Plantinga.
Creation Justice Team Update
The Creation Justice Team met on March 27. As a follow-up to the book discussion, the team has begun to organize an event where people will learn how to protect their land from development. We also encourage folks to take advantage of the Allegan County Tree Sale before April 14.
More: Look for activities around Dark Sky Week, April 15-22. We are planning to plant a prairie garden in downtown Douglas using seeds from the library. There should soon be a self-checkout library in the Friendship Hall, featuring books related to Creation Justice. Our next meeting is April 24 at 6 PM. All are welcome. Potluck Survey: We'd Love to Hear from YOU!
Your Church Council is considering a request to restart the monthly Potluck lunches we held on the second Sunday of each month before the Covid pandemic. Please help our Church Council out by taking this very short survey and sharing your thoughts with us. The deadline for completing the survey is April 15 (a memorable deadline).
Order Your Easter Lily Plant
On Easter Sunday, we hope to have our altar filled with Easter lilies! Please consider purchasing an Easter Lily plant for $15. You can do so in honor or memory of a loved one, whose name will appear in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. You can take the plant home after our Easter service. To purchase a plant, please use the special "Flower Offering" envelopes in the pews this Sunday or order online. For online orders, please let us know the person or persons you wish to remember with your lily by emailing Julie.
No Quiet Contemplation Service