This Sunday, we are back to one service at 10 AM, and our theme will be "Leaving a Legacy." Pastor Sal and Elizabeth Estes will be sharing the inspiring story of Isabel Graham, whose legacy continues to have an impact on our community decades after her death. Come and hear her inspiring story of living fearlessly and loving wastefully. Special Music: Elizabeth Estes. Followed by our 2nd Sunday of the Month Potluck. This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of the Month...that means, it's our Potluck Sunday! What a great way to celebrate our coming back together at one service! Please bring a dish to share. Also, we need help cleaning-up afterwards, too! Thank you. Our Douglas UCC singers and musicians gathered at the beautiful home of Steve Debbink and Greg Plowe in Douglas this past week for a time of friendship and visioning. ![]() The month of September is Creation Month. Our Douglas UCC Creation Justice Team is facilitating a highway clean-up on Saturday, September 14, from 9 a.m. till noon, and on Tuesday, September 17, from 4 to 7 p.m.. Then, on Saturday, September 21, there will be a clean-up of Oval Beach. If you can help with the highway and/or beach clean-ups this month, please sign the sheets in the Friendship Hall on Sunday. Thank you. ![]() The Spring Street Men’s Group will present a film, “A Gathering of Men,” with Bill Moyers and poet, Robert Bly, at 7 PM on Monday, September 16, in Friendship Hall for all current Men's Group members and any men interested in joining this upcoming year. Regular meetings are on the first and third Mondays at 7 PM at Spring Street House. (We have a plan to accommodate snowbirds during the winter, if they wish to join in for partial duration of the season). Sign up sheets are available in the Friendship Hall for both the film and for the ongoing group meetings. We ask that all current and new members please sign-up, so that we can get current emails and counts of attendees. Thank you. ![]() On Sunday, September 22, at noon, authors Larry and Sandy Feldman will be coming to the Douglas UCC Friendship Hall to discuss their latest book, Building Bridges Across the Racial Divide. The book provides a review of theory and research on methods to reduce prejudice and describes ways to bring together people from all racial groups to share positive experiences. A free-will donation will be taken. All are welcome. Our very own Pastor Sal will be one of six speakers taking part in "Failure Lab" at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts on Saturday, September 21, at 7:30 p.m.. "Failure Lab" is like TED Talk, only the focus is on personal stories of failure. This will be a powerful evening of music and story-telling. Afterwards, mix and mingle with the storytellers and performers during the after-party under the outdoor pavilion with craft beer and drinks, and a special menu from local restaurants. Tickets are $25 and are available at the SCA box-office or online at ![]() Save-the-Date: This year's CROP Hunger Walk will take place on Sunday, October 6. We hope you will consider taking part as a walker and/or sponsor. Visit to sign-up as a walker or to contribute as a sponsor. Watch last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report:August 25: Attendance: 183 (9 AM: 92 + 11 AM: 91)
Collection: $1,428.50 Online: $1,247.66 Total: $2,676.16 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING |