![]() In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus says: "Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." The word humility is defined as being "unselved," a liberation from consciousness of self. When we humble ourselves, we free ourselves from the bonds of the ego and are, therefore, exalted. Come join as this Sunday at 10 AM, as Pastor Sal teaches the "Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector." Special Music by Elizabeth Estes. Last Sunday at the UCC Grand West Association Meeting, our Pastor Sal was among the UCC clergy installed as Officers and Committee Members. Pastor Sal will continue to serve on the GWA Planning Committee. We are grateful to our Association leaders for all their hard work. Proud to be UCC! Almost 6,000 families on the South Side of Chicago have had their medical debt forgiven through a collaborative effort of local, Conference and national bodies of the United Church of Christ and other partners. UCC leaders announced Oct. 20 that church donations have wiped out $5.3 million in medical debt for 5,888 Chicago families. Click here to read more: UCC FORGIVES MILLIONS IN MEDICAL DEBT How's your "30-Day Gratitude Challenge" coming along? Here's some ideas to keep you going: Please join us on Saturday, October 26, from 9 AM till Noon for our "Fall Clean-Up Day." We will be cleaning up the church grounds. Bring garden tools, if you have them. Thank you!! A sold-out crowd at last night's "Poetry & the Spirit" event at Douglas UCC! Such an inspiring conversation with Pastor Sal and Jack Ridl, Poet Laureate of Douglas. We're so proud of our Douglas UCC church member, Pete Wehle, whose essay was recently published on Progressive Christianity.org. Click the link to read. We are excited to be welcoming best-selling author Scott Stabile (Big Love) back to Douglas UCC on Saturday, November 2. Scott will be facilitating a workshop entitled, "Love Yourself Madly." Scott says, "In this workshop, we are going to look at ourselves honestly and love ourselves madly. We'll learn how to shift our self-abusive thoughts into self-loving ones, and how to empower ourselves with our thoughts and actions. We'll shift the focus of our inner critics and turn them into our inner cheerleaders." To learn all the details, cost, and registration, please visit www.ScottStabile.com. Scholarships are available. Save-the-Date: On Sunday, November 17, we will be having a "Groups Fair" at Douglas UCC, immediately following our worship service. Our church groups will be spread out across our church campus. Each group will have its own table, where they'll give out information about their group and have sign-up sheets for new members. It'll be a great (and fun) way to raise awareness about all of our groups, as well as to get new people involved. Enjoy Last Sunday's Music & Message:
Financial Stewardship Report: October 20: Attendance: 120 Collection Plate: $1,029 Online Giving: $1,904.41 Friendship Hall Use: $135 Total: $3,068.41 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING. |