In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Divine Life in Little Things"
God’s living presence and power is evident in the small things of life – in our ordinary, mutual human-ness. Jesus defeats death in the ordinary actions of love. We want Jesus to prove himself in massive works, or think that in order to experience him we must leap tall buildings and climb lofty summits. Nope. The power and life of God are right in front of you, in the smallest experiences, and in “everyday people.” Right here, in our ordinary, even mundane lives.
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in person or streaming live online), as we explore "The Divine Life in Little Things" for the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Message: Rev. Keith Mannes. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler. Download This Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Week's Service
In the gospel reading for last Sunday, two disciples -- confused and saddened by Jesus' death -- are walking the road to Emmaus, when they encounter a stranger in their midst. As they walk and talk together, the stranger enlightens and consoles them. The two disciples then invite the stranger to a meal. In the breaking of the bread, they recognize the stranger as Jesus. How often on the road of life do we fail to recognize God's presence in our midst? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored"The Road to Emmaus." Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Stan Greene.
Welcome, Rev. Keith Mannes
Kudos to Welcome Center Cleaning Team
KUDOS to our wonderful Cleaning Team, who worked hard to Clean up our new Welcome Center space at 88 Spring Street: Michael VerMerris, Paul Burdick, Laurie VanDenBeldt, Rich Marth, Dave Bohn, Kelly Wright, and Jack Ridl. We are still getting the space ready for prime time, but we are so close! Watch this space for our open house announcement!
Kudos to Team Donovan
KUDOS to Sarah Donovan, Wendy Hamlin, and Michael VerMerris, who together raised more than $2,000 to help fund research to fight Multiple Sclerosis in Grand Rapids' Walk for MS. Thanks to our church members who donated and to Team Donovan for their fight!
Christian Neighbors' May Cereal Drive
Because hunger doesn't take a summer vacation, Christian Neighbors Food Pantry in Douglas is collecting cereal to distribute this summer to its clients with children. You are invited to drop off boxes of cereal at the Friendship Hall from May 1-31 to help stock their shelves, or donate in any of the ways outlined in the poster above. Thank you, as always, for your generous giving.
Saugatuck Douglas Fennville Arts Initiative Unveiling of Reaching for the Stars, May 6, 6pm
Reaching for the Stars, a sculpture by Cleveland artist Hector Vega honoring the campesinos (migrants). Their hard labor working in the fields feeds millions and also helps to feed and support their families. Mark your calendars for May 6, 6-9pm when the first public sculpture in Fennville, in front of the Fennville District Library will be dedicated and celebrated! Food by local restaurants and music by Fierro. Everyone is welcome!
UCC Grand West Association Spring Meeting - Sunday, May 7, 3pm
We will be hosting the UCC's Grand West association of churches' Spring Meeting on Sunday, May 7 from 3 to 5pm, both live and on YouTube The service will celebrate our retiring Area Conference Minister, Rev. Ruth Fitzgerald. No RSVP needed. All are welcome.
Brooke Townsend: Caring for the Children of India through Education, May 9, 6pm
Our friend Brooke Townsend, daughter of church members Mary Alice and Stephen Townsend, and niece of church members Sue and John Fleming, has returned from India to share her images and stories from her journey and her work with The 25 Group. If you can join us, please sign up for the event using the sign-up sheet in the Friendship Hall, so we can plan for refreshments. Or email Julie Ridl, who will add you to the list.
Lakeshore Community Chorus - Spring Concert, Road Trip, May 21
Celebrate the brink of summertime on Sunday, May 21 at 4:00pm with Lakeshore Community Chorus as it presents “Road Trip: Adventures on Route 66” on stage at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts! The Artistic Director of the chorus is our own church member and a member of our music team, Nancy Plantinga. The chorus itself includes many of our church members, and the concerts sell out quickly! Click the button below to reserve your seats:
Pride Events Ahead - Save The June Dates!
It's time to save these dates for the annual Community Pride MI celebrations in Saugatuck and Douglas. And HollandPride's 20th year celebrating Pride Month. Once again, Douglas UCC is proud to sponsor our area pride events. We hope to see you, here, there, and everywhere. Watch the E-pistle for opportunities to get involved!
Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance