In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Celebrating Independence"
This July 4th weekend, we celebrate our nation's freedom, but are all Americans truly free? What does a life of true freedom and independence really look like?
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online) as we explore the topic of freedom from both an earthly and spiritual perspective. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Pamela Chappell. Download this week's online bulletin here: ![]()
Last Week's Service Video
Every year on the last Sunday in June, we celebrate "Open & Affirming" Sunday in the United Church of Christ. Douglas UCC is proud to be among the first churches to become recognized as an "Open & Affirming" church, affirming the full inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons (LGBT) in the church's life and ministry. Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we celebrated the spiritual gifts with which the LGBTQ community blesses our church family and our world. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Nancy Plantinga.
Click here to read, listen to, watch, and share Pastor Sal's Homily. Annual Meeting: Photos & Kudos
Last Sunday, we held our church's Annual Meeting in the Friendship Hall and via Zoom. We heard updates from our church leaders and approved the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Thank you to all who attended. Kudo to our presenters: Peter Mueller, Stacy Honson, Julie Ridl, Karen Clark, Kelly Wright, Bud Baty, and Louise and Bob Kenny.
Hope Beyond Roe: A Service of Gathering and Lament
Join the officers, members of national staff & movement leaders of the United Church of Christ for a time to lament and claim hope in the wake of SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade. Also, church member Rev. Marty Rienstra shared this article that gives great advice for channeling anger and despair about the Supreme Court decision.
Mad About Roe? Here’s What to Do Now. Wishbone Volunteers Needed
Good with animals? Have time to help out? Wishbone House needs you! Click the button below to go to the online application, where you can share the ways you can help this worthy organization!
Creation Justice Team Dates and Updates
The date for the next Roadside Clean-Up is now Saturday, July 23. If you’d like to participate, contact Eric Lejeune.
We need an on-site leader for the Oval Beach Clean-Up on Saturday, September 17. Kathy Klage says it’s an easy job; contact her if you’re interested. Clearbrook Green installed Dark Sky fixtures in their neighborhood, and the Women's Club may do so as well! We’re working to renew the team. Look for new initiatives this fall! Downsizing Sale, July 1
Sale of Household Goods at 6845 Maple Lane in Johnson Village
From 1:00PM to 5:00 PM on Friday, July1st Assorted household items and furniture, including: bookcases, lamps, vacuum cleaner, wooden file cabinet, paper shredder, fans, many suitcases and duffle bags, kitchen items. Glassware, cookbooks, stained glass ceiling lamp and pictures and frames, lovely dining room table with hand painted inlaid tiles, books and CDs. Forming Soon: An Audio-Visual Advisory Group
The Douglas UCC AV Team will soon be forming an Audio-Visual Advisory Group to help plan and develop our AV capability. They are looking for people with many kinds of backgrounds and interests in recording for live-streaming and in-church broadcast, with an interest in always improving the experience inside the church building and in our homes on Sunday mornings. If you think you might like to join this advisory group, email Julie.
We Are Looking for Affordable Housing Options for Afghan Family
Our family from Afghanistan is beginning to investigate affordable housing options in Allegan and Ottawa counties. We have a list of reduced rent and subsidized housing options. If you are aware of any affordable housing in either county, please email Karen Clark ([email protected]) or Pat Denner ([email protected])
Brooke Townsend's Ukranian War Experiences, July 5, 6 PM
On July 5 at 6pm, Brooke Townsend, niece of church member Mary Alice Townsend, will present a talk and slideshow on her Ukranian War experiences. Brooke is a Humanitarian Photographer and the Executive Director of The 25 Group. After graduating with a bachelors in Biblical Justice, she began advocating for the poor and marginalized around the world. Through the sharing of stories and project funding, The 25 Group creates opportunities for donors to change the world with their giving. Throughout the last 8 years, The 25 Group has worked in 14 countries with more than 38 different organizations to donate nearly $500,000. Join us to hear stories of impact and how you can help those in need around the globe. Please use the sign-up sheets in the Friendship Hall so we can plan for seating and refreshments!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
July 3- Dan Ryan, 6- Lin Anderson,
7- Peg Hart, Dick Lucier, Patrice & Stan Greene Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
Ruth VandenBosch; Pete Wehle; Rev. Lou Grettenberger (friend of Ginny Mikita); Rachael Rienstra; Dick Bont; Tom Pearson (Wendy Hamiln's son); Phil Sturdevant (Pete Wehle's friend); Darren Dixon (Beverly and Orie Hawkes' nephew); The Hotwagner Family; David Zylstra (Laurie VandenBeldt's friend); Elinor Hite (Virginia Stuart's sister); Judy Baxter (Kristine Sherman's Mother); Joann DeJonge; Richard and Joanna Weber's grandson Mattox (friends of the Ridls); Al Overweg; Beverly Willming (John Willming's mother); Jay North (friend of Dan Pierce); Hannah Sherman; Maureen Pierce; David Abbot; Sarah Johnson Lock; Linda Masten (Mark Reiman's friend); Vicki Latham (Ruth VandenBosch's cousin); Cole Hartman; Mike Sneedon (Peg and Jack Donohue's friend); Tim Reineck, Matt Brazys, Suzanne Cook, and Ken Cassbon (friends of Pete Wehle and Pamela Chappell); Richie Czarnowski (Mark Reiman's friend); Sherri Kanten (Ruth VandenBosch's friend); Chris Stuart (Virginia Stuart's sister-in-law); Mary Elizabeth Loudin (friend of Laurie VandenBeldt)
Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, June 26: 98
Livestream Households, June 26: 63 Total Views for June 26 Online Videos: 731 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $659.00 Online Giving: $1,905.68 Total: $2,564.68 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |