In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday: First Sunday in Lent
This Sunday is the 1st Sunday in Lent. The 40 days of Lent are a time of spiritual preparation for us. Before Jesus began his ministry of teaching and healing, he spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness. The 40 days of Lent invite us to venture into the wilderness alone, to face our fears and to wrestle with the things that are keeping us from experiencing our greatest good and living life to the full.
Please join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online on YouTube) as we prepare ourselves spiritually for the sacred season of Lent. Message: Stan Greene. Music: Peter Black and Nancy Plantinga. Download This Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Week's Service
Last Sunday was "Transfiguration Sunday." What exactly happened to Jesus on the mountaintop? This past Sunday's gospel reading tells us a change happened in Jesus: his clothes became a dazzling white, and he was transfigured. The word "transfiguration" means "a spiritual change." How have the "mountaintop" experiences in your life impacted your own spiritual transformation? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored how to spiritually transform ourselves and our world. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler.
Click here to read, listen to, watch, and share Pastor Sal's Homily. This Week's Homily from Stan Greene
This week our church member Stan Greene will give the homily. Stan has worshiped at Douglas UCC since 2016 and joined the congregation in May 2018. He participates in our music ministry and with the Spring Street Men's Group and the Social Justice Team as well as serving on our Church Council. Stan and his wife, Patrice, live in Saugatuck Township.
Stan's sermon title is "An Opportune Time," a reference to the last verse of this week's Gospel reading. Forty days in the wilderness, without food, apparently didn't offer the ideal conditions for Jesus to be tempted. So the devil "departed from him until an opportune time." What could that mean? We'll explore that question and what it means for all of us. Help for Ukraine
The United Church of Christ is appealing for support for refugees and for elderly and other vulnerable people who are displaced within Ukraine and unable to leave. As a member of the ACT Alliance, UCC support is being targeted to people most in need through humanitarian relief partners with a history of working in the region.
All donations will be deposited into the International Disasters fund designated for “Ukraine Relief.” Your generous financial support will be used by our partners in the areas of greatest need. One can also mail a check made payable to the United Church of Christ PO BOX 71957 Cleveland, OH 44194. Please be sure to note “Ukraine Relief Fund” on your check in the memo section. Read more about the UCC's support for the people of Ukraine here. CWS Celebrates Douglas UCC Crop Walkers!
We received congratulations from CWS for being among the Cream of the CROP, the 13th highest fundraiser among walk teams nationally for most funds raised! Ending hunger is possible in our lifetime. We are helping to make it happen. The funds we raised will help people in neighborhoods in our community and in places around the world to overcome the challenges of hunger and food insecurity. Thank you to everyone who walked and supported our walkers! And Kudos to church member Chris Clark for organizing our team!
Lenten Devotionals Available Online
The season of Lent begins March 2. As an aid for a daily contemplative prayer practice this season, this beautiful Lenten Devotional can be ordered online here: Got a Used Car? Minivan? Van?
The Afghan family we are sponsoring is working to obtain a driver's license and their own transportation. Our friend has passed his written examination, and church member Michael White has helped him practice driving, so he is on his way to passing his driving test.
Now we need to find a family car. The best possible scenario is if a church member has a used car they would be willing to sell or donate to the family. Our friends at DeNooyer Chevrolet will be happy to help support the transfer and make sure the vehicle is in good working order. If you have a car or minivan or van for the family, please reach out to Bob or Louise Kenny, or any member of the Afghan Family Task Force. Meanwhile, your generosity in supporting this family as they start their new life in the U.S. has been most humbling and most welcome. Donations to the general fund supporting the family can be made online here, or send a check to Douglas UCC, PO Box 519, Douglas, MI 49406. Please write "Afghan Family" on the memo line! Mask Recommendation Michigan Department of Health and Human Services![]()
Though Alegan County Covid case numbers are dropping, our transmission rate in Allegan County remains high, and our vaccination rate remains low. The CDC advises masking in all indoor public places where transmission is high, and maintaining a safe distance from others. If you forget your mask for church services, fresh KN95 masks and hand sanitizer are available at all doors to help you and others stay well.
Michigan's Department of Health and Human Services mask advisory for gatherings:,9753,7-406-100997_100998---,00.html Follow Allegan County's Covid transmission and infection rate at this link: CDC infection and transmission rates by county. Birthdays & AnniversariesMarch 6- Ted Sommer, David Turner, 7- Tom Gehringer, 8- Jane Harrison, 10- Joyce & Kelly Wright, 12- Annie Hotwagner Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
Family and Friends of Marilyn Fox; Judy Baxter (Kristine Sherman's Mother); Dan & Barb Witt and family; Kathy Hartman and family; Joann DeJonge; Richard and Joanna Weber's grandson Mattox (friends of the Ridls); Shirley Lawson & Family; Jane Grady & Family; Paul Burdick; Paul Murphy; Al Overweg; Beverly Willming (John Willming's mother); Jay North (friend of Dan Pierce); Hannah Sherman; Maureen Pierce; Helaine Miedema (David Miedema's mother); Ron Turks (Carol Cunningham's son-in-law); David Abbot; Sarah Johnson Lock; Linda Masten (Mark Reiman's friend); Vicki Latham (Ruth VandenBosch's cousin); Cole Hartman; Mike Sneedon (Peg and Jack Donohue's friend); Tim Reineck, Matt Brazys, Suzanne Cook, and Ken Cassbon (friends of Pete Wehle and Pamela Chappell); Richie Czarnowski (Mark Reiman's friend); Dale Lower; Sherri Kanten (Ruth VandenBosch's friend); Michael (a friend of Dan Mack's); Chris Stuart (Virginia Stuart's sister-in-law); Mary Elizabeth Loudin (friend of Laurie VandenBeldt); Chris Robinson (Peter and Kathleen Mueller's nephew); Daniel Ver Meulen (Susan Fleming's son); Marcia Sullivan (Jo Cooley's friend)
Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, February 27: 52
Livestream Attendance: 66 Total Viewers for February 27 Online Service Videos: 460 February Podcast Downloads: 10,246 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $2,479.00 Online Giving: $2,192.12 Total: $4,671.12 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |