In this week's E-Pistle, you'll find:
Mother's Day Sunday:
Join us online this Sunday at 10 AM for our Video Worship Service, as we celebrate Mother's Day in word and in song. Pastor Sal will also be giving an inspiring message on John 14:1-14, and there will be uplifting music from Peter Black and Gloria Larrieu.
Tune in on Sunday at 10 AM via our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or here on ourwebsite. Click below to download the sheet music for Sunday's hymns:
Staying Together: Online Friendship Hall
Online Friendship Hall is where we gather with Pastor Sal after Online Service on Sundays to catch up on our work, share Joys and Concerns, share appreciation for online service, and learn coping skills from one another. Pictured above, Sue Scott and Larry Fuerst, left, and Pamela Chappell and Pete Wehle, right, are missing our acolytes, so have added candle lighting to their practice as they watch church services on Sunday. We hope you can join us after 10a.m. service for community time at 11a.m. Look for the link on Friday morning in your inbox. And if you don't see your invitation there, please contact us at [email protected].
Watch Last Sunday's Service:
Thank you to all who tuned in last Sunday for our Video Worship Service. Thank you to our reader, Robert Trenary, who joined us from his home; to Peter Black and Nancy Plantinga for providing the music from their homes; and to Gregg Smith for recording and editing. If you missed the service, you can watch it here.
What the World Needs Now: Lovingkindness
Here's a way to literally put more love into the world: Watch as Pastor Sal leads us in a
5-minute "Lovingkindness" Meditation that is easy to learn and practice.
SAVE-the-DATE: Join us online on Friday, May 15, at 7 PM, for "United in Song: Music of Hope and Inspiration," a free Video Concert from our Douglas UCC Musicians.
UCC "Peace" & "Love" Face Masks:
The UCC is selling "Peace" and "Love" face masks with the UCC logo and URL on them. Proceeds from sales support the mission of the United Church of Christ and fund the National Setting’s ability to continue to respond to the ongoing needs of the church in these times of pandemic. Masks are $7.99 and can be purchased at UCC Face Masks.
Heard in Online Friendship Hall:
Pastor Sal reported that Being the Church is definitely not canceled! Our church groups and committees are continuing to work through video conferencing and emails. If you have questions about connecting with one of the work groups or teams, write to us at [email protected].
Demethrea Terrien reported that the Tri-Government Recycling Committee is hard at work, (including church members Demethrea, Garnet Lewis, Cathy North, and Hannah Huggett), looking for recycling solutions to meet recent recycling challenges for our region. If you have ideas or questions, reach out to the committee members. Ruth VandenBosch reported that Douglas Upholsterer Yvonne Dirkse has shifted her work to making $3 masks, all day long in her studio. She has made more than 1,000 so far, and has a two-week backlog of orders. She takes donations of clean, sturdy cotton clothing and sheets, t-shirts and 1/4" elastic. If you would like to connect with her to place an order or make a donation, email Julie, and she'll share ordering information. Jim and Ann Hopkins wanted to thank everyone who sent them cards and notes. Getting a little love in the mail has been such a highlight for them during this time. Thank you! Kudos to Sue Scott and Larry Fuerst for checking the DUCC campus refrigerators and cupboards for any food that may not be aging well... Your prayers and good wishes have been answered for Linda Charvat, pictured above, who is back at work with her wholesale customers returning, employees working, and orders going out. Her farm, Rosebay Nursery, did very well over the winter and cool spring, and she so appreciates all the love and support from her Douglas UCC friends! And Carol Brown and Dan McGavin reported that their lavender at Summerhouse Lavender Farm overwintered very well, and Dan's granddaughter will soon be taking on management of the farm. They are thinking through how to safely open for customers this summer. Dennis Konarski reports a wonderful experience with telemedicine with his doctor and pharmacist this past week. He reported how heartening it is that our medical teams are adapting to serve us at this time. And he encourages you to go ahead and ask for help. Our healthcare providers are ready to serve, safely. Stan Greene guided us to reframe our thinking in response to this time of physical separation. Instead of seeing it as a barrier in our lives, consider the opportunities it gives us to take down old barriers, establish new paths. We'd love to hear from you in our Online Friendship Hall, which starts at 11 am each Sunday. If you are having a hard time connecting, contact us at [email protected] so we can fix that for you! Or write to us if you have news to share but can't join us at this time. A Letter from our UCC Executive Officers:
This week, the Executive Officers of the United Church of Christ urged all of our churches to continue with Virtual Worship and not rush back into gathering at church. You can read their letter here. Also, read the article: "Churches should NOT be the first to reopen."
Help us help you...
Your Church is working hard to provide for our community and our spirit
during this pandemic, continuing to do our peace and justice work. Without a Sunday collection plate, we are asking church members and friends to consider adopting a new habit of giving to the church: either online or by mail. It's so easy to give online from our website. Just click here. Or please consider mailing a check to: Douglas UCC, 56 Wall Street, PO Box 519, Douglas, MI 49406. We are so very grateful for your continued support of our church, especially during this time. Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries
May 11- Debra Carr, Jane & Jerry Coates, Ruth VandenBosch
Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can continue to reach out to one another during this time. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. If you don't have a directory, please let us know and we will email one to you. Prayer List
Ted Sommer, Molly Gaspar (Mike Valdez' sister); Phyllis Wallis (Kathy Austin's mother); Kristen Molitor (Ann Hopkins' daughter); Jim Lemons; John Willming; Drew Carter; Ferman Sims (father of Duce Sims); Howard McLauchlan (brother-in-law of Dale and Ted); Jeff Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother); Marcia Sullivan (Jo Cooley's friend), Len Lynch (Kathleen Mueller's brother); Curtis Coffin (Marty Coffin's brother).
Our educators, the caregivers and patients at Mary Freebed Hospital and on the U.S.S. Comfort, and in all of our hospitals and care centers during this Covid-19 pandemic. For the leaders and volunteers in every state and city who are stepping up to take care of people every day. All in the military and their families. All who are homeless or addicted or abused or neglected or rejected or hungry; The UCC; the Grand West Association; our Church Council; our Stephen Ministers; our church committees; our communities, our schools, our nation and our planet. To add/remove a name from the Prayer List, please email julie (at) Financial Stewardship
May 3
Attendance for Online Service: 731 Weekly Online Giving: $1,983.63 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by clicking ONLINE GIVING. Or you may send checks by mail to: Douglas Congregational United Church of Christ 56 Wall Street, PO Box 519 Douglas, MI 49406 |