This Sunday's Service: "Salt and Light"
In the gospel reading for the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Jesus continues his famous "Sermon on the Mount" by telling us that we are "salt of the earth" and "light of the world." What exactly did he mean by this?
Join us on Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online) as we explore what it means to be "Salt and Light." Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Elizabeth Estes. Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Week's Service
In last Sunday's gospel reading, Jesus gives his famous "Sermon on the Mount," a set of teachings which include the Beatitudes. Father Richard Rohr says that the Beatitudes are the greatest wisdom teachings of Jesus, but what do they mean for our lives today? Please enjoy last week's service, when we explored these "attitudes" for how to "be." Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Pamela Chappell.
Click here to read, listen to, watch, and share Pastor Sal's Homily. Lenten Book Study: "Rise" by John Pavlovitz
Beginning on March 1, Pastor Sal will be facilitating at 5-week Lenten book study on John Pavlovitz's Rise: An Authentic Lenten Devotional. The group will meet every Wednesday in March from 3 to 4 PM in the Friendship Hall. The cost is $10, which includes a copy of the book, as well as journal and pen. Registration is required. Please email Pastor Sal or sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall if you wish to take part.
In addition, we are excited to announce that author, John Pavlovitz, will be speaking at Douglas UCC on Saturday, March 11!! Details to follow. Christian Neighbors Peanut Butter Drive
From now until February 28, we are collecting jars of peanut butter for Christian Neighbors Food Pantry in Douglas. You can drop off your donations on the designated table in the Friendship Hall on Sundays or leave inside the foyer door during the week. Thank you, as always, for your generous giving. (And, thank you, Joyce Wright, for the fun peanut-design tablecloth, too!).
Pastor Sal on the Radio!
Our very own Pastor Sal will be a guest on the "Morning Grind" radio show this Saturday, February 4, at 8:30 AM. He will be speaking about all the exciting things Douglas UCC has planned for 2023. You can listen at 94.9 FM or at Jethro.FM
Survey to help the Social Justice Team with Program Planning
The Social Justice Team wants your input on issues to address during the coming year. Your responses will help us plan awareness, education and engagement opportunities that help our congregation live out our faith in the wider world. Just click on the button below to complete a brief survey. You can also watch for an e-mail with a link to the survey if you prefer to respond in that way. Thanks for your participation!
LCC Auditions for Spring Concert
Lakeshore Community Chorus would like to invite local singers, including high school and college students, to join the chorus for the upcoming spring session. Auditions will be held in late January and February in order to check each singer for their vocal range and music listening and reading skills. Rehearsals generally occur weekly on Thursday evenings at the First Congregational Church in Saugatuck and will begin March 2nd, culminating in the spring concert on May 21st at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts.
The theme for the spring concert is “Route 66 Road Trip.” The chorus will be “driving” the audience along the famous and historic Route 66, starting in Chicago and ending in Los Angeles. Some of the selections to be performed include "Route 66," "Sweet Home Chicago," "Shenandoah," "Kansas City," and "Hooray for Hollywood." Several songs will incorporate an instrumental jazz combo. Singers interested in scheduling an audition should contact church member Nancy Plantinga (click here!) by email. Soul Collage, February 4
Our friend and spiritual teacher Ruth Zwald will be giving another Soul Collage workshop on February 4. Contact Ruth at the address above if you'd like to join in and learn about this powerful means of seeking and finding soul support.
Considering Matthew Shepherd, Concert, Feb 26
On Sunday, February 26th, the Holland Chorale will present "Considering Matthew Shepard,” an evocative musical response to the death of Matthew Shepard in 1998. As we mark the 25th anniversary of Matthew’s death, this concert seeks LOVE and unity as it encourages compassion and kindness. Excerpts of Matthew’s diary are read and sung throughout the work. After the concert, the Chorale will host a talk-back, offering time and space to process and reflect on what was shared.
Tickets: Adults $20*, Students 18 & over $5, Under 18 years old FREE *Discounted tickets offered for groups larger than 10. Call 616-494-0256 for more details. Purchase tickets online at Birthdays & AnniversariesFebruary 9– Mason Harvath Gerrans,10– Elizabeth (Libby) Greene11– Kirt Oliver Birthday and Anniversar;y cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
Marianna Maver (Friend of many of us); Lisa Marth (The Marths' Sister-in-law; Diane Carr & Family (Debra Carr's sister); Kirstin Barendsen (Ruth VandenBosch's Cousin); Vicki LathamVicki Latham (Ruth VandenBosch's cousin); Darren Dixon (Beverly Hawkes' nephew); Cole Hartman (Kathy Hartman' son); Chris Stuart, (Virginia Stuart's sister-in-law)
Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, January 29: 63
Total Views for January 29 Online Videos: 631 January Podcast Downloads: 3,845 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $562.00 Online Giving: $2,361.94 Total: $2,923.94 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |