In this Sunday's Gospel story, Jesus ministers to 10 people, but only one of them comes back to say, "Thank You." Jesus is letting us know that gratitude is such a powerful spiritual tool with life-changing effects. Come join us this Sunday at 10 AM, as we learn how to cultivate an "attitude of gratitude." Special music: Elizabeth Estes. Followed by our 2nd Sunday of the Month Potluck. Wow! We are so very proud of our Douglas UCC CROP Walk Team who raised more than $3,700 at last Sunday's CROP Hunger Walk in Saugatuck/Douglas!! We had more walkers and raised more money than ever before! Thank you to our team and to all who sponsored their efforts. The monies raised help fight hunger here in Allegan County and around the world. Please join us this Sunday, immediately following our worship service, for our 2nd Sunday of the Month Potluck in the Friendship Hall. Please bring a dish to share. We are also in need of one or two people to stay afterwards and help clean up. Thank you. We had such a wonderful evening on Thursday night, as we welcomed award-winning author, Frank J. Cunningham, to Douglas UCC to discuss his book, Vesper Time: The Spiritual Practice of Growing Older. More than 20 people were in attendance for an inspiring discussion. Please join us on Wednesday, October 16, at 6:30 PM, as Dr. Shannon Connell of Neuropsychological Associates of West Michigan (and a Douglas UCC church member) will be speaking on "Healthy Aging: A Neuropsychological Perspective." This event is free and open to the public. Please sign the sheet in the Friendship Hall if you plan on attending. All are welcome to attend our UCC Grand West Association fall meeting on October 20 in Grand Rapids, but advance registration is required. Please let Pastor Sal know if you are interested in attending. You can email him at [email protected]. We are excited to welcome back best-selling author, Scott Stabile, to Douglas UCC on Saturday, November 2. Scott will be facilitating an uplifting and empowering workshop, "Love Yourself Madly." Watch Scott's video below, then click HERE to register. Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to record last Sunday's service. We apologize for the inconvenience. Instead, we hope you will enjoy Pastor Sal's talk at Failure Lab: ![]() THANK YOU!! Thanks to all who contributed to last Sunday's special collection for the UCC's Neighbors in Need Fund. We collected $321, which our church will match for a total of $642 to help our church's wider mission. Thank you, as always, for your generous giving. Financial Stewardship Report:October 6: Attendance: 140 Collection Plate: $1,528 Online Giving: $1,923.17 Total: $3,451.17 Thank you for your generous giving which allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service. You can also give securely online by clicking ONLINE GIVING. |