In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Living for Today"
In Sunday's Gospel, the apostles ask Jesus about the "end of days." Why is it that so many Christians today are fascinated with the Apocalypse, the Rapture? The "Left Behind" series of books continue to sell millions of copies. Why are we so focused on the next life when Jesus' focus was on this life? The Kingdom of Heaven is "at hand," which means it is here and now.
Join us on Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online) as we learn how to better enjoy this life by living more fully in the present moment. The service will be led by Pastor Sal and Brother Al Mascia. Music: Peter Black and Stan Greene. Click below for Sunday's bulletin: ![]()
Last Week's Service
In last Sunday's Gospel reading, a widow puts two pennies in the collection. Jesus praises her because she gave her all. The cycle of Giving and Receiving is a spiritual law. We know that we reap what we sow, so what seeds are you sowing? Please enjoy last Sunday's service when we learned "The Treasure Principle" of giving and receiving. Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler.
Click here to read, listen to, watch, and share Pastor Sal's homily. Allegan County Covid-19 Transmission Rate is "High," Masks Requested in Service
Mask Recommendation for Sunday Services
Because our area transmission rate has increased to "High," the Church Council requests that we wear masks at the Sunday Service. Greeters will have masks available for anyone who needs them. You can follow Allegan County's Covid transmission and infection rate at this link: CDC infection and transmission rates by county. Celebrating Our Special Musicians
On Wednesday of this week, we threw a party at Alley's Diner for our Douglas UCC Music Team (and spouses) to thank them for all they do to make our worship services so meaningful.
All Paths Lead to Our Livestreaming Services, 10am, Sunday Mornings
When we returned to in-church services, we received many requests for a live-stream to help our church members and friends tune in and stay connected from anywhere in the world.
Church members Chris Clark and Michael White stepped up to make that happen, and we appreciate them so much! To find the livestream on Sunday mornings at 10am Eastern Standard time, visit the DUCC YouTube channel ( and click where it says "Sunday Services." The livestream will pop up! (Pro YouTube tip: If you have a YouTube account, hit Subscribe, and then the little bell icon to receive a notification on your device when we go live!) Or you can visit our church's website,, on Sunday mornings at 10am Eastern Time, and click the "Sunday Messages & Music" link, where Pastor Sal posts the service link. We now publish a print-ready version of our church bulletin here in the E-Pistle -- see this week's service description, above. (It also serves as a large-print version and/or a digital version if you'd prefer not to print it, but view it from your tablet or smart phone.) We so hope these changes will help you feel connected wherever you are in the world! Afghan Family Task Force Update
Our Afghan Family Task Force is moving ahead on having DUCC sponsor a refugee family in our area. While we don't have a family as yet, in preparation, we are taking initial steps to meet the many needs of resettlement. Towards that end, we will have a "Welcome Packet List" detailing all the various items a family will need in setting up a household which will be available in the Friendship Hall. If you have items to donate (think large and small) in good condition, please consider signing up even though we won't be collecting until a family is assigned and housing found. We are also looking into setting up a designated fund within the Church which would be used to purchase items which must be bought new or cannot be gotten on short notice. In addition, we also are in need of volunteers with trucks who can help in getting donations to the home site once that has been established. In this time of Holiday giving, all help in providing our Sponsored Family the very best start to their new life here in West Michigan is most appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Barb Witt ([email protected]) or Pat Denner ([email protected]).
Flour Collection for Christian Neighbors until November 21
It's time for our annual flour drive to help fill the holiday food baskets prepared by Christian Neighbors and shared with our neighbors and friends in need this holiday season. If you'd like to participate, please drop your flour off at the Friendship Hall, on the flour table, or in the bin just inside the Retreat House door. We will be accepting flour contributions through Sunday, November 21.
Thank you for all of your generous giving and looking after our community members! And if you know a family that needs a food basket for Thanksgiving Dinner, please write to us at [email protected]. Brother Al Mascia's Concert, Saturday, November 13 at 7 PM
Brother Al Mascia will offer a concert on Saturday, November 13 at 7 PM at Douglas UCC. Brother Al was the pastor of Douglas UCC from 1996 to 2001. It will be great to welcome him back. You can learn more about Brother Al and his "Singing Monk" ministry at his website:
Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil, November 20, 7 PM
Douglas UCC is proud to serve, once again, as one of the sponsors of this year's Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil, which will take place at Centennial Park in Downtown Holland on Saturday, November 20, at 7 PM.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
November 15- Doreen Ritt, 18- Alex Andrede & Michael Batey,
19- Mark Johnston & Jeremy Lund, Marcel terVeen, 20-Linda Koch Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. If you don't have a directory, please let us know, and we will email one to you. Prayer Requests
Lin Wisehart; Nancy Plantinga; Julie Ridl; Hannah Sherman; Maureen Pierce; Family and Friends of Darlene Walker (Greg and Sheryll VanPortfleet's friend); Sarah Donovan; Marjorie and Mark Reiman; and Greg and Sheryll VanPortfleet; Deb & Al Atkinson; Helaine Miedema (David Miedema's mother); Brenda Marcy; Ron Turks (Carol Cunningham's son-in-law); Elizabeth Estes; Sidney Matheis; Pete Wehle; David Abbot; Sarah Johnson Lock; Linda Masten (Mark Reiman's friend); Vicki Latham (Ruth VandenBosch's cousin); Sarah Ver Meulen (Susan Fleming's Daughter); Cole Hartman; Mike Sneedon (Peg and Jack Donohue's friend); Sandy Feldman; Tim Reineck, Matt Brazys, Suzanne Cook, and Ken Cassbon (friends of Pete Wehle and Pamela Chappell); Richie Czarnowski (Mark Reiman's friend); Dale Lower; Sherri Kanten (Ruth VandenBosch's friend); Michael (a friend of Dan Mack's); Myron (Wendy Hamlin's grandson, Fred Hamlin's great-grandson); Chris Stuart (Virginia Stuart's sister-in-law); Mary Elizabeth Loudin (friend of Laurie VandenBeldt); Chris Robinson (Peter and Kathleen Mueller's nephew); Daniel Ver Meulen (Susan Fleming's son); Marcia Sullivan (Jo Cooley's friend)
Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, November 7: 71
Viewers for November 7 Online Service Videos: 535 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $900.00 Online Giving: $3,320.47 Total: $4,220.47 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |