In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "The Parable of the Talents"
The gospel reading for the 25 Sunday after Pentecost is Jesus's "Parable of the Talents." On the surface, this parable may sound like an uncomfortable story about greed, but Jesus is offering an important teaching about our own relationship to God.
All of us are endowed with innate talents -- not to serve solely ourselves, but so that we can invest them, use them, and produce greater good for one another. As the late spiritual writer, Leo Buscaglia, said, "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." Come join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in person or streaming live online) as we explore how to invest our gifts and talents to bring more of God's abundance into expression. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Special Music: Michael Hulett Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Welcome, Michael Hulett
This Sunday, we are excited to welcome award-winning musician, Michael Hulett, who will be performing at our 10 AM worship service.
Receiving a scholarship from Georgia Southern University in Music Performance with an emphasis on jazz, Hulett is accomplished on ten instruments, and his smooth velvety voice is reminiscent of Johnny Hartman, Marvin Gaye, and Billy Eckstine, all of whom were inspirations throughout his career. You can learn more about Michael at Last Sunday's Service
In the Gospel reading for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, Jesus tells "The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids," five of whom did not prepare enough oil in their lamps. He's reminding us to keep our spiritual lamps lit, especially during times of great darkness. Enjoy last Sunday's service, when we considered how to keep our spiritual lamps lit and burning, especially during such challenging times as these. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler
Photo Album: Beyond Religion with Craig Vander Maas
What a great turnout last week for “Beyond Religion: Finding Meaning in Evolution” with author Craig Vander Maas. Learn more about Dr. Vander Mass and his works by following him on his website,
Farewell Brunch for Pastor Sal, Sunday, Dec. 17
Date: Dec 17, 2023
Location: Douglas UCC Friendship Hall Time: 11:30-1pm Our Pastoral Relations Committee invites you to a farewell brunch for Pastor Sal, immediately following the Sunday service on December 17. Food and drink are already planned, so simply come as you are after service. This gathering of our beloved Douglas UCC community celebrates the abundant gifts that have been shared with us during Pastor Sal's tenure. We're celebrating him before the Christmas Season begins, and through the end of the year, to give as many people as possible the chance to say their goodbyes and offer their good wishes to our teacher, counselor, shepherd, and friend. The PRC will be placing a card box in the Friendship Hall that morning for anyone who would like to drop in a personal card for Pastor Sal. Pastor Sal's last church service at Douglas UCC is Sunday, December 31. Advent Devotional on Sale
The UCC Advent-Christmastide devotionals are here! You'll find them on sale in the Friendship Hall beginning this Sunday, for $5 each. Gather your copy there, or order yours online here:
Can You Offer December Treats and Flowers?
Yes, we said December! It's hard to believe, but true. December cometh, and if you can help dress our altar with flowers (sign up on the bulletin board) or dress our treat table with treats (sign up on the treat table), we'd so appreciate your offerings! Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Call for Christmas Choir Singers!!!
Our Director of Music, Peter Black, is calling all singers for our Christmas Eve Choir! All are welcome to join. There will be four rehearsals held each Sunday at 11:30 AM beginning November 19th. You don't need to be able to attend every rehearsal, but we hope you can make as many as possible. Please speak with Peter Black to sign up or email him at [email protected].
Our Giving Tree is Up, Ready for Holiday Gifting
Our Giving Tree is up in the Friendship Hall! The tree contains heart tags detailing items on the wishlists of our neighbors in need. Choose multiple heart tags if you like. Each gift tag includes instructions for purchase and drop off. Choose as many tags as you like, and we will replenish the tags on our tree while they are available.
This year we are asking that you drop off your gifts directly at Christian Neighbors. Gifts are needed by December 12 at the latest. Flour Collection for Christian Neighbors
Our Annual Flour Drive for Christian Neighbors' Thanksgiving baskets begins on November 1, and will run through November 20. We will place a flour collection box in the entryway to the Friendship Hall. Please donate 4-lb and 5-lb bags only. Thank you so much!
Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov 20
Douglas UCC is proud to serve as one of the sponsors of this year's Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony and candlelight vigil at the Holland Armory on Monday, November 20, at 7 PM.
We will be honoring the lives of transgender people who have been killed in 2023 due to anti-transgender discrimination and violence. We particularly want to lift up trans women of color as they are disproportionately the victims of this fatal violence. Speaking out against anti-transgender discrimination and violence is now more important than ever as safe and appropriate gender affirming care and other basic human rights are being challenged. Please join us in standing for those whose voices can no longer be heard. Thank you to Prism, the LGBTQ+ student group at Hope College, and Out on the Lakeshore for putting together this event. Allegan County Senior Services Q&A in the Friendship Hall, November 30
Our Safety and Wellness team invites us all to a special presentation and Q&A with Allegan County Senior Services on November 30 from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Allegan County Senior Services provides many services to seniors in our county. The event will include light holiday snacks and beverages.
The Safety and Wellness team are excited to be able to bring the opportunity to our church family and community. To learn more about this program, visit the Senior Services web page at: Tickets on Sale Lakeshore Community Chorus Holiday Wonderland, December 2-3
“Our Holiday Wonderland,” presented by the Lakeshore Community Chorus at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts, is a holiday concert celebrating the beauty of the lakeshore, and the wonder of the season! John Rutter’s “Gloria,” an exquisite setting of “O Magnum Mysterium” by Morten Lauridsen, and the premiere performance of “Our Wonderland,” composed especially for the chorus by Artistic Director, JK Hilbert, and chorus members, Wendy Gilbert Gronbeck and Mary Hannah Terzino, headline the concert with new and fun holiday songs. The Lakeshore Community Chorus, fifty-five members strong, will be joined on stage by the Lakeshore Brass, dancers, and soloists! Experience the love and wonder of the holiday season through music at the SCA December 2 and 3.
Minutes & Reports![]()
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays: November 19- Marcel Westenbroek, Teddy VandenBosch,
20- Linda Riekse, 21- Peter Mueller, 22- Mary Hasenauer, Stephen D. Prokop, 24- Glynis Whitcomb, 25- Tim Schipper Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
Mike Mok; Karen Clark; Dave and Shirley Lawson; Clark McMillion (Chris Clark's friend); Richard Mead (friend of Tom Fahlstrom); Ruth Fahlstrom (daughter of Tom Fahlstrom); Ann Hopkins, Pamela Chappell & Pete Wehle; Dan Pierce; Ruth Vanden Bosch; Mary Browning; Nancy Grib (Friend of Pamela Chappell); Stuart Family; Charlene Burdick (Paul Burdick's Mother); Diane Carr; Myron (Wendy Hamlin's grandson, Fred Hamilin's great-grandson); Betsy York; Mary Westenbroek; Brian Aikens; Jerry Elpers and family (Beth Howley's Dad); Edie Plantinga (Nancy Plantinga's mother); Joyce Potts (Ed Korson's Friend); Max Matteson; Eric Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother); Nicole and John (Wendy Hamlin's daughter-in-law and son)
Stewardship Drive
Stewardship Drive Giving Week ending November 12: $4,142.75
Pledges to Date = $216,049.00 Pledge Fulfillment to date = $71,354.00 Thank you to all who pledged toward our Campus Stewardship Drive. Weekly Stewardship Drive totals are posted here and on the giant ‘thermometer’ poster in the Friendship Hall. If you have not received a pledge card, you can pick one up in the Friendship Hall. Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance November 12: 94
Total Views for November 12 worship videos: 628 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $2,772.00 Online Giving: $2,747.27 Total, General Support: $5,519.27 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |