In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "A New Earth"
In Sunday's lectionary reading from Isaiah 65:17-25, it says: "Listen for the still-speaking voice of God who declares, 'I am about to create new heavens and a new earth.'" What will this "new earth" look like?
Join us on Sunday at 10 AM (either in-person or streaming live online), as we explore what it means to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Message: Rev. Marchiene Rientra. Music: Peter Black and Nancy Plantinga Download Online Service Bulletin Here: ![]()
Last Week's Service
In the Gospel reading from last Sunday's lectionary, Jesus says: "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living," meaning there is life after death. But what does life after death look like? Will we be in physical form? Will we be reunited with our loved ones? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we pondered these questions together and explored what it means to be children of the Living God.
Message: Pastor Sal. Music: Peter Black and Stan Greene Click here to read, listen to, watch, and share Pastor Sal's Homily. Welcome Back, Rev. Marty!![]() Pastor Sal is leading a church group on a spiritual retreat to Sedona this week, so we are delighted to welcome back Rev. Marchiene Rienstra as our guest preacher this Sunday. A member of Douglas UCC, "Rev. Marty," as she is fondly known, became the first woman to graduate from Calvin Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree, and she taught at both Calvin College and Western Theological Seminary. She also became the first woman to be senior pastor in the Reformed Church of America, and she helped establish Mother’s Trust Ashram in Ganges, Michigan. She is also the author of five books on spirituality. December Treat Signups!
Thanks to all who worked with our treat coordinator, Joyce Wright, in November, to restart our beloved coffee hour! It's going so well, that the sign-up sheet for treats for December is waiting for us in the Friendship Hall! If you can provide treats for coffee hour in December, please sign up there, or connect with Joyce (you will find her contact information in the Membership Directory.)
Holiday Giving Tree is Up!
Our annual Christian Neighbors Holiday Giving Tree is now up in the Friendship Hall. Please consider taking a gift request tag from the tree this Sunday. These gift requests were given by local parents in need of providing holiday gifts for their children. Please purchase the gift request written on the tag and then place the unwrapped gift inside the "Holiday Box" in the Friendship Hall by Sunday, December 4. Thank you, as always, for your generous giving.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: November 20
Douglas UCC is proud to serve as one of the sponsors of this year's Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony and candlelight vigil at Herrick District Library in Downtown Holland on Sunday, November 20, at 4 PM. Please come and show your support.
Flour Collection for Christian Neighbors
Our Annual Flour Drive for Christian Neighbors' Thanksgiving baskets begins on November 1, and will run through November 20. We will place a flour collection box in the entryway to the Friendship Hall. Please donate 4-lb and 5-lb bags only. Thank you so much!
December SoulCollage with Ruth Zwald, December 3
Our friend and spiritual teacher, Rev. Ruth Zwald is leading us through another SoulCollage workshop on December 3. Follow instructions above for reaching Ruth to reserve your place for this powerful method of exploration and wayfinding through imagery and artwork.
Lakeshore Community Chorus Holiday Concert, December 4 Birthdays & AnniversariesNovember 13– Liz Wilson, 15– Doreen Ritt, 17– Arturo Inda, 19– Mark Johnston & Jeremy Lund, Marcel terVeen Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Prayer Requests
Doug Petersen; Kirstin Barendsen (cousin of Ruth VandenBosch); Marianna Maver (Friend of many in our congregation); Beverly and Orie Hawkes & Family; Susan Schram & Family; Diane Carr & Family; Kenley Hoove (Stephen Lewis' friend); Dr. Paul Lewis (Stephen Lewis's brother); Michael Lynch; Jennifer Roe-Lazzaro; Mary Baxter (Marjorie Reiman's friend); Elwood Cephus Stith (Mark Reiman's friend); Pete Wehle; Rev. Lou Grettenberger (friend of Ginny Mikita); Rachael Rienstra; Phil Sturdevant (Pete Wehle's friend); Darren Dixon (Beverly and Orie Hawkes' nephew); The Hotwagner Family; David Zylstra (Laurie VandenBeldt's friend); Elinor Hite (Virginia Stuart's sister); Joann DeJonge; Richard and Joanna Weber's great-grandson Mattox (friends of the Ridls); Al Overweg; Beverly Willming (John Willming's mother); Jay North (friend of Dan Pierce); Hannah Sherman; Maureen Pierce; David Abbot; Sarah Johnson Lock; Vicki Latham (Ruth VandenBosch's cousin); Cole Hartman; Mike Sneedon (Peg and Jack Donohue's friend); Tim Reineck, Matt Brazys, Suzanne Cook, and Ken Cassbon (friends of Pete Wehle and Pamela Chappell); Richie Czarnowski (Mark Reiman's friend); Sherri Kanten (Ruth VandenBosch's friend); Chris Stuart (Virginia Stuart's sister-in-law); Mary Elizabeth Loudin (friend of Laurie VandenBeldt)
Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, November 6 : 99
Total Views for November 6 Online Videos: 706 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $1,302.00 Online Giving: $3,057.45 Total: $4,359.45 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on Facebook or Instagram, or at our website. |