In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Harvest Sunday"
This Sunday, we celebrate God's Creation by putting our focus on the Harvest. Throughout the Bible, the Harvest carries spiritual significance. It is symbolic of bounty, health, and abundance.
Please join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in person orstreaming live online) for this very special "Harvest Moon" service planned by our Creation Justice Team. Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson. Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service -- 17th Sunday after Pentecost: "The Parable of the Workers"
In the gospel reading for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, Jesus tells the "Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard." In the story, all the workers receive the same exact pay, regardless of how many hours they have labored. This may seem unfair, but Jesus's point is that God's extravagant love extends equally to all. Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored the "Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard" and how it applies to our lives today. Message: Rev. Marchiene Rienstra. Music: Peter Black
Michelle Willis: Live in Concert at Douglas UCC
Christian Neighbors Food Pantry is getting ready for winter and would like to stock its shelves with canned soup for their clients. For the month of SOUP-TOBER (Oct 1-31), Christian Neighbors is requesting donated cans of soup. You may drop off your donated cans in the designated box at the Friendship Hall. Financial donations are also welcomed, and can be made through the Christian Neighbors Douglas website, here: Thanks in advance for helping warm and nourish local families this year! |
Spiritual Center Offerings for October!
Rev. Marchiene Rienstra
Wednesday, October 4 (3:00-4:30)
If there is interest, an additional time will be added from 7:00 to 8:30 that evening
How can we become aware of the Divine Signs in our daily lives? These often take the form of special meetings, happenings, sightings, or coincidences…synchronicities. Come explore this lively and exciting way of tuning in to these Divine Signs that guide us and enlarge our vision of the possibilities unfolding for our lives.
NOTE: Anyone who attended Rev. Rienstra’s September offering – “God is Speaking. Are You
Listening?” – and is interested in further discussion may phone or email her to arrange further
conversation. Likewise, anyone who did not attend that session, but is interested in learning more should also reach out to Rev. Rienstra.
Barb Flynn, Certified Spiritual Advisor
Thursday, October 5 (10:30-noon)
Harvest is a wonderful metaphor for the transformation that takes place in the human heart each Autumn. Join us as together we ask significant questions about our own needs for healing and wholeness.
Rev. Ginny Mikita, Animal Chaplain
In September, we began an exploration of animals and their spirituality and the value of interspecies practices in nurturing their and our spiritual lives. In this session, we will continue exploring specific spiritual practices to engage the five physical senses of our animal companions. We will practice using photos of our companions and our imaginations.
NOTE: This session is appropriate for those who attended Session 1, as well as those who wish to join for the first time.
Sign up sheets will be in the Friendship Hall, or contact Julie to be put on a class list.
All groups will be limited to six persons.
Harvest Moon Service, October 1 -- plus the Pie Tasting Contest!
2023 Blessing of the Animals, October 1
Walkers on Deck! October 8 Crop Walk!
Safety and Wellness Team -- Seasonal Advice
Your Safety and Wellness team would like to remind you of some basic things that you can do to minimize your risk and to minimize the severity of virus related illness if you do test positive or are diagnosed with a virus.
1) now is the time to get the new Covid 19 vaccine. It has been formulated to address the previous and new variants.
2) Influenza, commonly called " the flu" is a very serious and potentially deadly virus that is spread in much the same way as Covid. The " flu" vaccine is ready for you. Now is the time to get it so your body will develop some immunity before the months that have high flu cases - December through March.
3) A new vaccine for children and those over 60 ( and those with high risk health) is the RSV vaccine. This virus has become more prevalent over the past 18 months, resulting in a new vaccine being developed and approved. Please take advantage and get the vaccine.
4) If you aren't feeling well, stay home. If you do need to go out, wear a 3 layer mask or N95 mask. This will help protect others but also you from other illness during the time that your immune system is working overtime to fight whatever virus or bacteria you have.
5) Continue or resume avoiding close up crowded events. If you can't have an area of 6 feet around you, you are at risk of " catching" one of the viruses making the rounds. If you do have to be in a crowded situation, consider taking steps to protect yourself with a mask.
6) Good handwashing before eating, after touching public items and after using the restroom is a standard practice for helping to control the spread of viruses. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol base hand cleaner.
By doing these simple infection control actions, you can decrease the severity of a virus if it catches you along with prevent spreading it to others. Stay tuned for more information from the Safety and Wellness team, addressing various safety and health related topics.
"A Little Comedy: A Little Mystery," Women's Club Funder, October 13 & 14
Birthdays & Anniversaries
4- Marjorie & Mark Reiman, 5- Stanlee III (Duke) Greene, 6- Bernice Lopata & Carol Rice
7- Linda & Rich Marth
Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory.
Prayer Requests
Financial Stewardship
Total Views for September 24 Online Videos: 209
Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $1,276.00
Online Giving: $3,161.74
Total: $4,437.74
Thank you!!
Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to
844-931-2849, or sharing through the donate buttons on
Facebook or Instagram, or at our website.
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