In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: "Gathered in Love"
In the gospel reading for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Jesus tells his disciples, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Gathered together in love, we become one body in Christ.
Join us this Sunday at 10 AM (either in person or streaming live online) as we explore Jesus's greatest commandment: "to love God and to love one another." Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler Download this Sunday's Online Bulletin: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service —14th Sunday after Pentecost: "I Am That I Am"
Last Sunday, Labor Day weekend, we put our focus on the Old Testament reading for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. We heard the famous story of Moses and the Burning Bush. In it, Moses asks for God's name. God replies, "I am that I am." What did God mean by this? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored the meaning of "The Great I AM." Message: Pastor Sal Sapienza. Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler.
September 24 Campus Stewardship Meeting
Our Church Council is busy setting campus stewardship goals -- a project list for strengthening, securing, and updating our campus buildings, along with a plan for funding these projects. After church and coffee, at 11:30 am on September 24, our Church Council will hold a special Campus Stewardship Meeting in the Friendship Hall. We will be reviewing and voting on this plan, and all church members are encouraged to attend! We will provide Zoom access if we have members interested in participating in this way. Please let church admin Julie Ridl know as soon as possible if you require Zoom to participate.
Looking for a Few Good Mt. Baldhead Run Volunteers, Sept 10
The Mount Baldhead Race committee is looking for a few more Race Volunteers (aka: High Energy Saugatuck-Douglas Ambassadors) to help keep people safe and pointed in the right direction.
If you think you can help by cheering and pointing, sign up here: It’s easy and fun! Do it as a couple, bring your kids, a cowbell, or other form of (not too obnoxious “audio encouragement” to add to the festive atmosphere. Friendly Reminder: This is the sole fundraising source for the Boys and Girls Club of Saugatuck-Douglas, an after school program that serves hundreds of local youth and families throughout the school year and all day during the summer. For many parents (and especially single parents) these programs are a LIFELINE! By volunteering you perpetuate these essential programs…and YOU get a free race jersey in a special (bright!) color. You are also welcome to join the after race party at Wicks Park on Saturday morning. Cocktails, games, music, comradery…”Pure Saugatuck” right? Feel free to forward onto other community minded friends and please join us…you won’t regret it. Its very fun and for an essential cause. PS: If you would like to make a discrete donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Saugatuck-Douglas You will see a way to do that on the site above. Take heart knowing that 100% of all donations are used to fund the operation of the local club. Social Justice Team Meeting, Sunday, Sept. 10
The DUCC Social Justice Committee will be meeting this Sunday at 11:15 at the Spring Street Office Building after the Sunday Service. All who are interested in the Social Justice Committee are welcome to attend.
Water Filters for Families Fundraiser