In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Week's Service, Seventh Sunday of Easter: Welcome Reverend Lillian Daniel
In this Sunday's Scripture Reading, Paul is describing the Body of Christ. Who are we to one another? How does our community help our larger communities function? This Sunday, we welcome our Michigan Conference Minister, Rev. Lillian Daniel, back to our pulpit. This great writer and homilist has some thoughts for us at this important time in our church history.
A graduate of Yale Divinity School, Rev. Lillian began her ministry as an Associate Pastor at a large church in Connecticut, then a solo Pastor at a small urban church in New Haven, Connecticut where the choir outnumbered the congregation. They grew to become a vibrant, interracial, Open and Affirming community, the first of three churches to go through the Open and Affirming process under her leadership. A regular writer for the UCC Stillspeaking Devotionals, she was a founding member of the UCC Writer’s Group that has produced many written materials for the denomination. Rev. Lillian is a widely read author whose latest book, Tired of Apologizing for a Church I Don't Belong To generated international conversation about the changing religious landscape. It continues the theme of her 2013 book When ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Is Not Enough about the growing number of people who claim "none" as their religious preference. Featured in the New York Times and on PBS, Daniel’s writing has been described as “biting, hilarious, pitch perfect, tender, and often stunningly beautiful,” and her book This Odd and Wondrous Calling is taught in many seminaries. Lillian Daniel currently teaches UCC History and Polity at Chicago Theological Seminary where she is also on the Board of Trustees. She has taught preaching at a number of schools, including the University of Chicago, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and Yale Divinity School. Lillian Daniel has spoken at the National Cathedral, Duke Chapel, King’s College -London, and Queen’s College - Ontario. She now enthusiastically speaks at UCC churches across the Michigan Conference with a focus on communication, connection and celebration. Together we will discern what our still-speaking God is calling us to do next. Join us at 10am Sunday Morning, or live online on YouTube right here. Download this week's E-Bulletin here: ![]()
Last Week's Service, Sixth Sunday of Easter: Identity -- A Moving Target
What is identity? How is it constructed, what is it good for? Why does it matter? Why do we exist as a church? What would be missing if we were not part of our community? Jesus talks about changing relationships and the value of community. Join us as we explore the important concept of identity during this liminal time. Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black and Jeff Spangler
Rev. Jody's Office Hours