In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Sunday's Service: How is Lent Like Springtime?
It is still February, but here and there are signs of springtime. Have you noticed? And these signs are inviting us to consider repentance --which is a main theme of this Lenten season --the way Jesus did.
Spoiler: It is not the way we have usually been taught to think of Lent or of repentance. Come and consider another way of thinking of and living them both. You can join us online on our YouTube Channel at 10am right here. And you can download our bulletin for Sunday here: ![]()
Last Sunday's Service: The Obstacle is the Path
Scripture describes Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness, how his faith was tested. How have you been tested in your life? Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when our church member, Rev. Pamela Chappell lead us in worship, helping us understand that "The Obstacle is the Path." Worship Leader: Pamela Chappell. Music by Peter Black and Cantor: Jeff Spangler
This Sunday, Welcome Church Member Rev. Marchiene Rienstra
We are delighted to welcome back Rev. Marchiene Rienstra, who will be leading our worship this coming Sunday. Rev. Marty (as many of us call her) is the first woman to graduate from Calvin Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree, and she taught at both Calvin College and Western Theological Seminary. She also became the first woman to be senior pastor in the Reformed Church of America, and she helped establish Mother’s Trust Ashram in Ganges, Michigan. She is also the author of five books on spirituality. She and her husband, John, are members of Douglas UCC, and Rev. Marty serves on our Spiritual Center faculty. You won't want to miss her inspiring message!
Congregational Meeting, March 17
Our Church Council will hold a Congregational Meeting on March 17, after church at 11:30, in the Friendship Hall and online via Zoom. All church members are encouraged to attend. Council will be updating us on interim plans, campus projects, budget and other items. If you wish to attend the service online, please email Julie Ridl for the Zoom info. She will add you to her Zoom list, and will send out instructions for joining us and joining in when we get close to the meeting date.
Our Open and Affirming Pastoral Search --