In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Week's Service: What is Our Why?
What do you think of when you hear the word missionary? How about visionary? Why do each of them exist? For what purpose? When have you acted as a missionary for a cause? When have you acted as a visionary? Join us this Sunday as we talk about "What is your Why" and see how it relates to the mission and vision of the church.
Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson Join us in church at 10am Sunday, or broadcast live on our YouTube channel here. Download the online bulletin for this week here: ![]()
Last Week's Service -- First Sunday after Pentecost: Connections
What is a friend? A number that you count on Facebook? Or something more? Why do you exist as a church? What would be missing if you were not part of your community? Jesus talks about changing relationships and the value of community. Please enjoy last Sunday's service, when we explored the important concepts of identity and connection during this liminal time. Message: Jody Betten; Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson
Rev. Jody's Office Hours for the Week of June 3It's PRIDE TIME in Saugatuck-Douglas!!
LGBTQIA Folk and Allies! Dig out your rainbow gear, wash up those Pride T-shirts, find your sparkly stuff, load up on sunscreen and fabulous shades, and plan to spend this first weekend of Pride Month in Douglas!
Pride is already flowing. On Friday afternoon at 4pm, our social justice team, in partnership with the Saugatuck-Douglas Library, is hosting Queer Studies/Education Historian Karen Graves in her second talk in their two-part offering. Read about it below. And this weekend, we PARTY. From the morning Care-a-Van on Saturday, to the evening Tea Dance on Sunday, we can show our pride in one long stream of loving events. And ESPECIALLY, you'll find Douglas UCC, a proud platinum sponsor of this weekend's events, in our own booth for Pride in the Park, Beery Park, downtown. For all the details, click the big red button to read up on all the things! SJT Presents: Karen Graves: "The Fight Isn't Over," May 31, 4pm
Our DUCC Social Justice Team, together with the Saugatuck-Douglas District Library, presents the second part of the two-part program featuring historian and neighbor Karen L. Graves:
If you joined us for Part 1, reading Graves' book, that's just great, but it isn't a prerequisite for joining us for Part 2: Part 2: Saugatuck-Douglas District Library, May 31, 4 pm "The Fight Isn't Over": How the History of LGBTQ+ Teachers Informs Current School Battles" Education historian and Queer Studies author Karen Graves will highlight elements from the history of LGBTQ+ educators that put our current school battles in historical context. On May 31st she will discuss how LGBTQ+ educators across the nation turned to the courts to protect their jobs, beginning in the late 1960s. In both talks Graves will discuss why schools have been fierce battlegrounds in the fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights. Karen Graves is Professor Emerita at Denison University. Her book, And They Were Wonderful Teachers: Florida’s Purge of Gay and Lesbian Teachers, was awarded a 2010 Critics Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association. In 2013 Graves received the Education Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni Award at the University of Illinois. In 2015 AERA recognized her with its Queer Studies Body of Work Award. Cereal Drive: The Numbers!
KUDOS to our Christian Neighbors liaison, Rich Marth and CN Board Member Wendy Hamlin for conducting another great May cereal drive. our DUCC family has donated more than 100 boxes of cereal to nourish area children over the summer months. Thank you so much, as always, for your generosity!
Next Feast for the Soul, June 5
"This is how the world changes--little by little, table by table, meal by meal, hour by hour. This is how we chip away at isolation, loneliness, fear. This is how we connect, in big and small ways--we do it around the table."
-Shauna Niequist, Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table June 5 is our next Feast for the soul. The Pastoral Relations Committee and the Spiritual Retreat Center Committee would like to welcome our beloved Douglas UCC family to join us for a "family dinner" of soup and bread and conversation, to be held in the Friendship Hall. We offer you a respite, a sacred space, in which to commune with your fellow church family members and process both the shared loss and hope that have been part of our Douglas UCC journey. So that we can more accurately judge quantities for both food and drink, please sign up for the dinner ahead on the sign up sheet in the Friendship Hall. Attendance at each of the dinners will be kept to 25 people. These dinners will be run through August, on the first Wednesday of the month. Poetry as Prayer, June 10
Monday, June 10 from 7 to 8:30 pm
With Rev. Colette Volkema-DeNooyer Have you ever read a beautiful poem, or heard it read aloud and thought, “That feels like a prayer”? The kind of prayer offered when we are invited to look again, to feel awe and wonder, to feel God near. If poems have spoken to you in this way, or if you’d like to experience poems this way – join us for an evening of poetry reading, where we will reflect on poems as prayer. I will bring several of my favorite prayer-full poems to share. And encourage those who attend to bring a poem that beckons them in a prayer-full way. We will close our time together by taking up pen and paper, inviting a prayerful poem to arise in us. Not required that you bring a poem, but do bring pen and notebook! Sign-up in the Friendship Hall. Notes on June Qigong Classes
A note from Kat on June Qigong classes:
It is so lovely to be back teaching outdoors, and I am ever so grateful to be able to do Qigong in the backyard of the Retreat House. Some of you have joined in and it is wonderful to have you. Class takes place on Tuesdays at 3pm with a suggested donation of $10. All are welcome! Chairs are provided. I wanted to make everyone aware that I will be going on retreat with my Sangha in mid June so there will be no class on June 18 and 25. We will have class on the 4th and 11th and then resume on Tuesdays throughout the summer. Hope to see some of you this summer! From Harm to Healing with Mediation Services