Well, I think that some of you know that I am a Facebook person. I'm on Facebook almost every day. And I know that some of you think that is a complete waste of time. And you're probably right. But for me, it's a wonderful tool to promote what's happening at our church, and to know what's going on in the community. And of course, I love looking at your joyful pictures, and reading your supportive and uplifting comments. I also follow many spiritual teachers on Facebook, who post words of inspiration each day, and many times they're often exactly what I need to hear that day.
It's that time – back-to-school – when students and teachers are getting ready to return. In some places in the country, they're already back in school. Many of you know that for 12 years, I was a highschool teacher. And this time of year, I always kind of had some nervous excitement, getting my classroom all ready and awaiting the new students, and to see what the new school year would hold.
Well, if you were here last Sunday, you know we were talking about the Kingdom of Heaven, and how it's not a place up in the clouds that you go to after you die. But how it is something we can experience right here and now. Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is here and now. It is at hand. It is with us and within us.’
Of all of the many statements in the Bible that are attributed to Jesus, it is a line from this Gospel passage from the lectionary for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, that is one of my all-time favorites. And it is the line where he says, “It is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
May 2024