In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find
This Week's Service: Third Sunday of Pentecost
In this Week's Gospel Reading, Jesus asks who his family is. Church will always seem counter-cultural to the rest of the world. So, like a lot of people, we make families of choice. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "traditional family values?" When you consider the families you know, do they fit that phrase? What do you think an ideal family looks like? How do you think God feels about what it means to be family? Join us on Sunday when we hear Jesus talk about family. It may surprise you.
Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson Join us in church at 10am Sunday, or broadcast live on our YouTube channel here. Download this Sunday's bulletin here: ![]()
Last Week's Service -- Second Sunday after Pentecost: What is our Why?
What do you think of when you hear the word missionary? How about visionary? Why do each of them exist? For what purpose? When have you acted as a missionary for a cause? When have you acted as a visionary? Join us this Sunday as we talk about "What is your Why" and see how it relates to the mission and vision of the church.
Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, and Lauri Donaldson Join us in church at 10am Sunday, or broadcast live on our YouTube channel here. Rev. Jody's Office Hours for the Week of June 10![]() For the week of June 10: Tuesday noon-6pm Friday 10am - 5pm Pride in Photos!
Saturday's wonderful Pride Celebration kicked off Pride Month, and Douglas UCC was there! Special KUDOS to church member Greggie Gerrans for setting up and gathering our many raindrop-dodging booth volunteers for the day! Douglas UCC was a proud Platinum sponsor for the event, thanks to everyone's generous giving.
Widening Our Welcome with Pronouns in the Church![]()
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Are you pronoun-curious? Do you wonder about the new uses of pronouns? Then please enjoy the recording of the UCC Leadership Lunch Program held on on June 5, hosted by our friend, Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, UCC's Michigan Conference Minister. Let's learn more about extending our extravagant welcome... Click here or the photo above to start the video.
Poetry as Prayer, June 10
Monday, June 10 from 7 to 8:30 pm
With Rev. Colette Volkema-DeNooyer Have you ever read a beautiful poem, or heard it read aloud and thought, “That feels like a prayer”? The kind of prayer offered when we are invited to look again, to feel awe and wonder, to feel God near. If poems have spoken to you in this way, or if you’d like to experience poems this way – join us for an evening of poetry reading, where we will reflect on poems as prayer. I will bring several of my favorite prayer-full poems to share. And encourage those who attend to bring a poem that beckons them in a prayer-full way. We will close our time together by taking up pen and paper, inviting a prayerful poem to arise in us. Not required that you bring a poem, but do bring pen and notebook! Sign-up in the Friendship Hall. Notes on June Qigong Classes
A note from Kat on June Qigong classes:
"It is so lovely to be back teaching outdoors, and I am ever so grateful to be able to do Qigong in the backyard of the Retreat House. Some of you have joined in and it is wonderful to have you. Class takes place on Tuesdays at 3pm with a suggested donation of $10. All are welcome! Chairs are provided. "I wanted to make everyone aware that I will be going on retreat with my Sangha in mid June so there will be no class on June 18 and 25. We will have class on the 4th and 11th and then resume on Tuesdays throughout the summer. Hope to see some of you this summer!" From Harm to Healing,