In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Week's Service: Second Sunday after Christmas: EpiphanyThe story of the Magi. Is it even true? There are so many inconsistencies and unlikely events how can it be? If it’s not historical , what is Matthew’s purpose in writing it? This Sunday as we celebrate Epiphany or the manifestation of Jesus as God-With-Us, we’ll look toward the Magi, King Herod and the Starlight to offer guidance for our spiritual journeys. Please join us on Sunday at 10am in our Sanctuary, or online, live on our YouTube channel. Message: Linda Knieriemen Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, Nancy Plantinga You will always find our latest church bulletin and service music at ![]()
Welcome Rev. Linda Knieriemen
Last Week's Service: The Gifts of the Holy FamilyThe story of Christmas is OUR story; a story of how love comes to us -- from the edges of society, an unwed mother. From the underbelly, the poorest of the poor, the shepherds. From the outsider, the foreigner, the Wise Ones, from the East. When have you received love or compassion or mercy or an unexpected gift from a surprising place? Join us on Sunday as we imagine the Holy Family and the gifts they bring. Please enjoy Rev. Jody's last service as Interim Pastor at Douglas UCC (after a break, she will rejoin us as one of our two new settled pastors!) Pastors Jody and Dan on Vacation!Our new settled pastors at Douglas UCC, Rev. Dan Plasman and Rev. Jody Betten, will take up their duties after a short break. Meanwhile, if you need pastoral help this week, give Julie Ridl a call or drop her an email, and she'll make sure one of our member pastors get back to you! SJT Presents: "How to End Christian Nationalism," begins Jan 9, 5:30pmOur Social Justice Team invites everyone in the church, and anyone from the community to join an 8-week book read starting on Thursday, January 9 at 5:30pm. The book is titled, How to End Christian Nationalism, by Amanda Tyler, and is available at your favorite bookseller. As background for the discussion, the SJT team points to two documentaries available to stream on Netflix called "God and Country," and "The Family," with the same theme. We will share news of location soon. Sign up to join in, in the Isabel Graham Center, 5:30pm, eight consecutive Thursdays ,at the Isabel Graham Center, beginning January 9. NEW: If you would like to do more exploring of this topic, we are compiling a Resource Page with other books, articles, documentaries and podcasts. Here's a link to the live resource. If you can recommend other media to add, please let Julie in the office know ![]()
SoulCollage, January 11Ruth Zwald's SoulCollage® workshops for 2025 begin January 11, with the creative opportunity to use SoulCollage® to help set your intention for the new year. Visualizing your goals and hopes for the year ahead will assist you in keeping that focus. There are two upcoming opportunities. The first workshop is scheduled for Saturday, January 11, choosing either a morning workshop from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM or an afternoon workshop from 1 PM -4:00 PM, hosted in the Isabel Graham Center at 88 Spring Street. All the details are in the poster above. The workshop is designed for those new to SoulCollage, as well as those with SoulCollage experience. Just RSVP to Ruth for either the morning or afternoon event. The second opportunity is at The Dominican Center in Grand Rapids on Saturday, February 8 from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Here is a link for that event: Space is limited at both events, so register soon! King: A Life -- With Author Jonathan Eig, Jan 20, NoonOn Martin Luther King Day, January 20, Calvin University's January Series (free to attend and to watch online) kicks off with a talk from 2024 Pulitzer Prize winner Jonathon Eig, author of King: A Life. Church member Karen Clark is organizing a viewing of talk at the Isabel Graham Center, 88 Spring Street in Douglas. The program will be broadcast from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Doors will be open at noon. Bring a friend. Let's learn more about this remarkable man's life, together. A Great Wild Mercy: Jack Ridl and Carrie Newcomer Collaborate Online Jan 23Internationally beloved Singer/Songwriter/poet/activist Carrie Newcomer will join Jack Ridl for a conversation between song and poem on Thursday January 23 at 7pm on Zoom. Their event, A Great Wild Mercy, (the title of Newcomer’s latest album) will be presented on Zoom as part of the monthly poetry-and-music Vespers program of the UU Church of Detroit. The link for the program will be sent automatically to both Carrie’s and Jack’s email lists. If you are not on either list or unsure, contact Jack through his website,, and he will make sure you receive the link either early in January or on the day before the performance.There are 100 available audience spots, so attendance will have to be first come/first served. However, the program will be recorded and released on YouTube later this month. Here’s guaranteeing you an inspiring way to give the new year a second kick start. And your heart is certain to be warmed, comforted. uplifted. Newcomer’s many albums are available through your favorite music shops and she co-hosts a thoughtful, meditative podcast with Parker Palmer, The Growing Edge. Jack’s latest collection of poetry, ALL AT ONCE is available wherever books are sold, and directly from the publisher, CavanKerry Press, right here. Restorative Circle Facilitator Training: January 23-24January 23-24 from 9am-4pm at Lavender House in Holland, MI. We are living in a fractured society where conflict and division is tearing at the social fabric. This two-day training is for anyone who is eager to actively build strong communities, families, work environments and faith communities. You will learn how to communicate and collaborate during times of conflict or even just around different points of view. You will develop skills that can be put to practice immediately in informal ways and will also learn how to facilitate a formal restorative circle as well. Registration is limited to 12 so be sure to register early. You can register with this Registration Link: or for more information about restorative circles go to Prayer RequestsThe VanPortFleet Family; Family of Nancy Grib; Paul and Carrie (Julie Ridl's brother-in-law and sister); Bev Hawkes; Dan McGavin and Family of Carol Brown; Barbara Lindsay (Lewis Corbin’s Bridge Partner); Rev. Marchiene Rienstra Family; Karen Clement (Friend of Debra Carr's); Ann and Jim Hopkins; Sally LaRowe (Linda Charvat's friend); Janice Campbell children & grandchildren (Pete Wehle's friends); James Higgins (Friend of Shane Anderson and Michael Tuleja), Joe Scarpone (Friend of Tom Fahlstrom); Fred Hamlin; John Kerr; Ruth Fahlstrom (daughter of Tom Fahlstrom); Stuart Family; Mary Westenbroek; Jerry Elpers and family (Beth Howley's Dad); Edie Plantinga (Nancy’s Mom); Max Matteson; Eric Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother) Birthdays & AnniversariesBIRTHDAYS January 5: Beverly Hawkes January 6: Louise Kenny January 8: Andrew Danos January 10: Doug Petersen, Tim Lemanski Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Financial StewardshipIn-Person Attendance, December 29: 80
Total Views for December 29 worship videos: 179 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $6,025.00 Online Giving: $1,899.89 Total, General Support: $7,924.89 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849. |