In This Week's E-Pistle, You Will Find:
This Week's Service: Pride Sunday!
What does the Bible say about same sex or same gender loving relationships? How do we understand what some call the "clobber" texts? Do we have to ignore the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, which are a grounding for our understanding of faith and the Holy, in order to affirm our queer friends and family? Join us on Sunday when we explore these questions. (A sneak peek at the answer: We will be celebrating all gender identities and expressions, and all sexual orientations! )
Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler, Lauri Donaldson Join us Sunday at 10am in church, or on our YouTube channel live, or recorded here. Download this Sunday's Order of Service and music to follow along online: ![]()
Last Week's Service: Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: The Way Out is Through
These are tenuous days. We face troubles in our own lives, in our relationships, in our world. We are all doing the best we can. And, somehow we get through, we get by, and perhaps we are a little stronger for the experience. How does that work? What's it like for you? In two stories for last week's liturgy, David fights the giant Goliath, and Jesus calms the storm, we see a response to trouble. Please enjoy last week's service.
Message: Rev. Jody Betten, Music: Peter Black, Jeff Spangler Rev. Jody's Office Hours for the Week of July 1Thanks and Welcomes!
Thanks to all who helped fill the Friendship Hall to overflowing for our 2024 Congregational Meeting. It was a packed agenda, during which we thanked two board members for their service as they stepped down -- Stan Greene, and Kelly Wright.
And we welcomed four new board members: Kathleen Mueller as Campus Steward (the position formerly known as Trustee), and Lynne Snyder, Max Brown, and Larry Feurst as councilors-at-large. Thankfulness was the theme of the morning, Thankful for our active and agile board, and for the amazing generosity and and spirit of our members who have funded our Campus Stewardship Drive, and for our interim pastor, Jody Betten. We are the church, and we are thriving. Celebrating Marianna Maver, June 29
Holland Pride, June 29, Centennial Park, 12-5pm
On June 29, Out on the LakeShore Presents Holland Pride, the annual festival celebrating the LGBTQ community. Learn all about all the events at the website here:
IGC Getting a New Coat!
With thanks to outgoing Trustee Kelly Wright, and incoming Campus Steward Kathleen Mueller, along with advice from our talented A&D members, but especially because of the generosity of folks who have funded our Campus Stewardship projects, the Isabel Graham Center is getting a new coat of paint, and soon a new driveway as well. Thank you one and all!
Spiritual Center Presents: Iconography, The Gospel of Light and Color, July 7
This July, our Spiritual Center Faculty is offering:
Iconography, the Gospel in Light and Color: Exploring the Orthodox Use of Icons in Worship and Meditation, on Sunday, July 7, 11:30am - 1:00 Facilitated by Rev. Linda Knieriemen An introduction to an ancient sacred art form, sometimes experienced as a “window into heaven,” which can inspire and enrich our connection with the Divine. Caring for the Congregation? July 12
Are you a carer? Do you see needs that can be filled in our church community? Please join us on Friday, July 12, at 8:30am in the Friendship Hall for an open conversation about what caring for our community members might look like at DUCC!
DUCC Block Party, After Church, August 4!
As our Church Moderator, Mark Johnston, announced during our Congregational Meeting, Council has decided to thank our supportive community by throwing a party (or two! or three!). Beginning with a Summer Block Party after church on August 4. The whole block party theme, including bouncy house and dunk tank and face painting and games and contests and free food for the people!
If you can help with the party planning, participate as a party person, pop a note to Moderator Mark. Woman's Club Mini-Golf Tickets for Scholarships
The Saugatuck Woman’s Club is raising funds for scholarships for area students. And next up is the much-anticipated Mini Golf Fundraiser! The owners of Saugatuck Mini Golf are offering special tickets for $20 each, that are usable all summer long. These tickets allow the Woman's Club to add $15 for each ticket sold to their fund. Connect with Lynne Snyder to support local students through the purchase of these tickets. She will have the special tickets with her every Sunday at church, or give her a call to arrange a pick-up. A great gift for visiting friends and family members over the summer!
Tickets are On Sale: West Shore Aware Funder Derby Downs, August 17 Prayer Requests
Sally LaRowe (Linda Charvat's friend); Janice Campbell children & grandchildren (Pete Wehle's friends); Rich and Linda Marth and the Marth Family; Tim Mikita (Ginny Mikita's Father); James Higgins (Friend of Shane Anderson and Michael Tuleja), Joe Scarpone (Friend of Tom Fahlstrom); Fred "Fritz" Royce and Sara Hurley; Sydney Williams and Baby (Kristine Sherman's Daughter); Rev. Marchiene Rienstra Family; Fred Hamlin; Ann and Jim Hopkins; The Chappell-Wehle Family; Carol Brown and Dan McGavin; David Miedema, his parents and family; John Kerr; Dave and Shirley Lawson; Ruth Fahlstrom (daughter of Tom Fahlstrom); Nancy Grib (Friend of Pamela Chappell); Stuart Family; Charlene Burdick (Paul Burdick's Mother); Mary Westenbroek; Brian Aikens; Jerry Elpers and family (Beth Howley's Dad); Edie Plantinga (Nancy Plantinga's mother); Max Matteson; Eric Cooley (Jo Cooley's brother)
Prayers for all in the military and their families; all who are homeless or addicted or abused or neglected or rejected or hungry; The UCC; the Grand West Association; our Church Council; our Stephen Ministers; for our Pastoral Search Team, our Church Transition Team, our church committees; our communities, our schools, our nation and our planet Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays: June 30- Carol Brown, July 2- Greg Harvath, July 6- Lyn Anderson
Birthday and Anniversary cards are a great way we can reach out to one another. If you wish to mail a card to one of our church members, addresses can be found in our Church Directory. Grant Proposals
Our Grant Proposal team together with Church Council have granted ARC of Allegan County $5,000 for their programming. Arc Allegan advocates for the inclusion and dignity of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Allegan County. You can learn more about them here.
Organizations that wish to apply to Douglas UCC for funding consideration can download and fill out this Grant Request form, below, and mail it to: DUCC Grant Proposal Team, PO Box 519, Douglas, MI 49406. ![]()
Stewardship Drive
Stewardship Drive Giving Week ending June 23:
Pledges to Date = $228,800.00 Pledge Fulfillment to date = $137,942 Thank you to all who pledged toward our Campus Stewardship Drive. Weekly Stewardship Drive totals are posted here and on the giant ‘thermometer’ poster in the Friendship Hall. If you have not received a pledge card, you can pick one up in the Friendship Hall. Or you can help us reach our goal of $275,000 by giving online here: Financial Stewardship
In-Person Attendance, June 23: 108
Total Views for June 23 worship videos: 160 Collection Plate & Mailed Donations: $851.00 Online Giving: $2,868.67 Total, General Support: $3,719.67 Thank you!! Your generous giving allows us to sustain our church community and our mission of service in the world. Please consider giving online, which is easily done by texting your donation amount to 844-931-2849. |